Sharing the passion: May Intimate Gatherings & Indulgences in Paris – Mark your diary – 22 to 29 September
With all the excitement over, I’m thrilled to report that our May Intimate Gatherings and Indulgences in Paris were a huge success. And you can whip out your diaries now – our September events will be held between 22 and 29 September 2013.
We will be offering another à la carte selection of events where members can share their passion and make connections with like-minded people, francophiles and French alike.
Kala, who moved from Paris two months ago to live in Algiers, wanted to know the exact dates of our next events so she could book her September flights straight away! “My attendance at the MaVieFrançaise® Indulgences is incontournable,” she grinned.
Marion, a styliste presse, said, “I’ll be there in September. I met some lovely, interesting people and had some delicious food.”
And ne vous y trompez pas – indulge we did! Lunch, dinner, champagne tasting and even brunch – and all of these were intimate member-only gatherings, with different people at every event. It’s a pleasure to eavesdrop on the conversations as attendees get to know one another.
“Oh, I’ve heard of you, you’re famous!”
“You didn’t tell me you were coming!”
“I didn’t know you were a member…”
“Oh, I love your books…” Or “writing”, or “food”, or “photographs”…
The diversity of members is always fascinating.
From expats who’ve lived in Paris for a long time; to others who’ve lived in villages just outside the city; to those who’d lived in the country’s North; the South and the West, some for 15 or even 35 years; it’s fascinating to hear everyone’s stories.
Our members are from all walks of life and of various ages. And it’s a veritable soufflé of nationalities – this series of events drew together francophiles from Canada, the United States, Australia, Scotland, Ireland, France, the Philippines and Argentina.
Erin, from Victoria, Canada, just happened to be in Paris. I met her at the beginning of a long-awaited nine-week soujourn, in which she is looking forward to having time alone to write.
Norma, a fellow Canadian, has spent days (and nights) exploring Paris on foot with her camera. She’s garnering ideas and inspiration for stories she plans to write upon her return to Toronto. As she left, Norma said, “You attract such lovely warm people, I’m coming back!” Maybe that was the champagne talking, but I doubt it.
There were other travellers too. Duda had just arrived by Eurostar from London and said, “One of the great things about my job is that I get to come to Paris to see my clients.”
Chris had only recently come from Seattle. She was enjoying taking her time to find her way around Paris – and climbing lots of stairs to get to her rental apartment.
Among our attendees were students, authors, artists, designers, acting coaches, writers, photographers, entrepreneurs, translators, English teachers, businesspeople, property specialists in rentals and sales, shiatsu specialists, professional speakers and coaches, pour n’en nommer que quelques-uns.
One of the things I love about our events is the way groups of people – usually strangers to begin with – get to know one other and discover that they have so much in common, even beyond the fascination of France.
It’s wonderful to watch the flurry of advice, tips, business cards, and names of books being exchanged – but par-dessus tout, I love hearing about members who’ve made a real connection, and arranged to meet again after the events.
If you’ve attended one of our Intimate Gatherings and Indulgence Events and you’d like to share your experiences, leave a comment below and tell us all about it. Merci merci!
The next event series is in September: Can you guess which fabulous venues we’ll be discovering & experiencing and which famous chefs and restaurateurs will we meet? … Your member-only invitation will reveal all! We’d love to see you at our September Intimate Gatherings & Indulgences – be sure to watch out for your invitation!
Join us as we explore behind the scenes with the owners and chefs behind our May Intimate Indulgences and Gatherings.
Bones43 rue Godefroy Cavaignac 75011 Paris
Téléphone : 09 80 75 32 08
Métro: Voltaire Dilettantes
22 rue de Savoie 75006 Paris
Téléphone : 01 70 69 98 68
Métro: Saint-Michel Le 6 Paul Bert
6 rue Paul Bert 75011 Paris
Téléphone : 01 43 79 14 32
Métro: Faidherbe-Chaligny Pinson
6 rue Forez 75003 Paris
Téléphone: 09 83 82 53 53
Métro: Filles du Calvaire Image credits:
1. Cynthia Chaves
2 – 5, & 8. Judy MacMahon
6 & 9. Gail Boisclair
7. Carina Okula