The Guide to Understanding French Culture: 6 must know quirks

France has a distinctive culture, reflecting its long and proud history.

What are some of the quirks of French culture?

Let’s take a look to understand French culture better.

Do you agree with these?

And… what else would you like to add here to help others in their quest 

Understanding the French Culture

1. How to Kiss a French Person

French people often greet each other with les bises, those little kisses on the cheek. It’s a custom that goes back to the days of the Roman Empire, and it invariably flummoxes foreigners. How many kisses do you give? Which cheek do you start with? Like a lot of things, it depends on where you are in France. – Read more

French culture


2. How to Become a Parisian in One Hour

One of the most popular shows in Paris is “How to Become a Parisian in One Hour,” a hit with tourists and Parisians alike. Over half a million people have already seen it, because who doesn’t dream of being a Parisian? Good news: if you can’t make the show, there’s a fun book that will let you in on all the secrets. – Read more

French culture

3. Fun Facts About France

It might not surprise you to learn that the French spend more time eating and drinking than anyone in the world. But did you know that that one French king only ruled the country for 20 minutes? Here are some fun facts about France. – Read more

French culture

4. Driving in French

The French road system is excellent. The country is covered by a comprehensive network of autoroutes, along with plenty of secondary roads. These roads are in uniformly good condition and are well-marked so you can find your way.

If there is any downside to the French road system, it would have to be… French drivers.

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5. Comparing France and America

How do people think about money? How do they politely disagree with one another? And just how long should a dinner party last? Let’s take a look at how French and Americans look at these and other subjects.

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French culture

6. The Art of Being French: The French Waiting Room Protocol

France is a country with a lot of social rules. You say bonjour when you enter a store. You have salad at the end of a meal rather than the beginning.  And then there’s French waiting room protocol—serious business, indeed.

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These are just 6 quirks to be aware of… just the beginning of the challenge of understanding French Culture.  Do you agree with these? What else would you like to add? Please share in the comments.



Image credits are all detailed in the linked articles.

About the Contributor

Keith Van Sickle

I am a lifelong traveler who lives part of the year in Provence. I am the author of An Insider’s Guide to Provence, Are We French Yet and One Sip at a Time, all available at Amazon. You can follow me on Facebook,  Twitter and

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