When learning French becomes a little more delicious…
Have you heard these three key tips and do you think they parallel the experience of learning le français.
Have you heard these three key tips and do you think they parallel the experience of learning le français.
We’ve been talking recently about how French women don’t get fat and staying healthy, but apparently it’s not as effortless as we think. According to Le Huffington Post, French women are obsessed with being slim. In an article published recently, Sandra Lorenzo tries to understand the underlying reasons.
Le caramel au beurre salé breton est issu d’un savoir-faire et d’ingrédients indispensables pour que la recette soit fidèlement respectée. Pour comprendre son histoire, besoin est de remonter dans le temps...
Although relatively simple to make, following the recipe for Breton salted butter caramel still requires a combination of skillfulness and top quality ingredients. Discover the legacy behind France’s famous salter butter caramel.
There seems to be more than just a baguette on the shelves, so let’s get down to the real question here: what the heck do you buy?
You realize that eating in France is less about the meal itself than it is about conversation, exchange, dialogue and the rich rewards that come from socialising with others. It’s almost as if the meal is a means to an end.
Gilles Epie is still the youngest chef to ever receive the Michelin Star at age 22. After only a year in the States, and hardly a lick of English, he was voted 'Best Chef in America' in 1996.
Reading a review of an American book on the decline of French food, I was struck by an almost irresistible impulse to argue back. The fall of the greatness of Gallic gastronomy? I scoffed at the notion; how absurd!
¨A great many things can be resolved with kindness, even more with laughter, but there are some things that just require cake¨ wall hanging at the Sugarplum cake shop.
It truly was a sensory experience. The sights, the sounds, the smells….