
18 04, 2012

Boulangeries, sunshine and nakamals

By |2013-07-12T14:31:21+10:00Apr 18, 2012|0 Comments

Positioned 20,000kms away from the Hexagon and a mere 1500km from the east coast of Australia sits an island. It has boulangeries, pâtisseries, and snorkelling that rivals the Great Barrier Reef. Its people speak the language of Voltaire, but their skins bake under the same intense sunshine that beats down on Queensland.

30 03, 2012

Eating in France is more than an art, it is a means to an end

By |2014-11-12T16:02:35+11:00Mar 30, 2012|0 Comments

You realize that eating in France is less about the meal itself than it is about conversation, exchange, dialogue and the rich rewards that come from socialising with others. It’s almost as if the meal is a means to an end.

16 12, 2011

Vive la convivialité française !

By |2014-11-18T15:49:34+11:00Dec 16, 2011|3 Comments

Nous les allemands, on dit que nous séparons la « vie pro » de la « vie perso ». Cela me vient rarement à l’idée de partager mes problèmes de couple avec mes clients allemands. En France, il s’agit d’une intimité. Les relations sont très importantes, surtout si l’on peut les nouer avec des partenaires professionnels.

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