Meet the French in Paris: an experiment with language
As part of my experiment in meeting the French, I decided to make the most of the fact that I am an Anglophone. Find out about how successful I was.
As part of my experiment in meeting the French, I decided to make the most of the fact that I am an Anglophone. Find out about how successful I was.
Going to France with the aim of truly immersing yourself, and making connections with the French as you go - we've been there, and we've struggled. To make it a little easier for you, here are our top ten tips for getting to know the French.
Trying to make connections with locals in France can be a little trickier than you would imagine - but they're not horribly different! Rather, the French have a slightly different idea of what it means to start a friendship. Here's our list of top ten cultural differences to watch out for.