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At My French Life – Ma Vie Francaise, we love what we do and that is usually sufficent gratification, but we also love to receive messages such as these from our members: French & francophile, who live all over the world. We would like to share them with you.

Messages from our Contributor members:

Alexandre a dit ” … Je vous remercie pour la publication de mon article et les photos que j’ai eu la chance de prendre à Paris! C’est toujours un grand plaisir pour moi de voir comment mes idées, le texte et les photos sont organisés dans la version finale. Bravo à vos éditeurs! Je suis abonnée à vos actualités sur la page de Facebook et Twitter et je lis presque tous les articles! Vous faites un énorme travail! … ”

Messages from our Pre-production team members:


Testimonials from members of our French Conversation group in Melbourne:


“ il est sur que je participerais a d autres MeetUp de conversation francaise si je dois m installer a Melbourne. ”

Martine on Mar 14, 2012.

“ Formidable! ”

Rose Craig on Mar 11, 2012.


“ Well done Judy a well run group. ”

Dominie on Mar 5, 2012.

“ very well organised, nice people ”

Megan on Feb 24, 2012.


“ Such a genius idea. ”

Cynthia Karena on Feb 20, 2012.


“ Great coffee, great company and a really good level of french. ”

Kate Wilkinson on Feb 13, 2012.

“ It’s fun and lots of interesting and nice people! ”

Elena on Jan 27, 2012.


“ Very enjoyable. Everyone is very friendly and encouraging. The venue is pleasant and comfortable with great crepes, coffee and chocolate drinks brought by great waiting staff. The topics of conversation vary as new topics are constantly being introduced and information sought, and there are of course some very interesting traveller’s tales with some talk of France. jeannette ”

Jeannette Hearn on Jan 22, 2012.


“ A great idea, just to chat away and not feel intimidated. Thanks for organising ”

Jonathan PM on Dec 31, 2011.


“ Dynamique, formé de gens intelligents voulant améliorer leur niveau de Français tout en s’amusant ! ”

Alice on Dec 19, 2011.

 “ This was my first time with the group and I really enjoyed it. ”

Joachim on Nov 30, 2011.

“ J’ai passé un très agréable moment et je suis impatiente d’y retourner. A très bientôt ”

Emmanuelle Tremolet on Nov 9, 2011.


“ I think it is a very worthwhile group. ”

Janette on Nov 9, 2011.

 “ Great way to improve French speaking and listening skills. ”

Susma on Nov 6, 2011.

 “ Meeting new people each time is beneficial. ”

Dianne Love on Oct 13, 2011.

“ A very enjoyable way to practice French conversational skills. ”

Andrea Shanahan on Sep 12, 2011.

“ excellent, merci beaucoup ”

Caroline Brand on Jul 28, 2011.


“ Excellent! ”

maree on Jul 20, 2011.

“ Tout le monde est amical. ”

KT (Kirsten Trengove) on Jul 13, 2011.

  • French Conversation in Melbourne Group – French in Melbourne“ It’s a fantastic group of people and I will happily head along another time! ”

    Julia on Jul 10, 2011.

  • French Conversation in Melbourne Group – French in Melbourne“ J’apprécie l’ouverture d’esprit de ce groupe. J’espère être de retour à Melbourne très prochainement et je participerai avec plaisir à un nouvel évènement du groupe! ”

    SebC on Apr 20, 2011.

  • French Conversation in Melbourne Group – French in Melbourne“ Based on my first meet-up, the French Conversation Melbourne Group is fine !!! ”

    Mike Donovan on Apr 18, 2011.

  • French Conversation in Melbourne Group – French in Melbourne“ Friendly people with a range of French speaking ability ”

    Tony Harris on Apr 18, 2011.

  • French Conversation in Melbourne Group – French in Melbourne“ Super idee 🙂 ”

    Delphine on Apr 14, 2011.

  • French Conversation in Melbourne Group – French in Melbourne“ Lively group, pleasure meeting them. ”

    Eveline on Apr 14, 2011.

  • French Conversation in Melbourne Group – French in Melbourne“ Full of interesting people keen on French. ”

    Alfred on Apr 13, 2011.

  • French Conversation in Melbourne Group – French in Melbourne“ Super! ”

    Gina McInnis on Mar 16, 2011.

  • French Conversation in Melbourne Group – French in Melbourne“ Fantastic!! Lovely people and great to hear so many people speaking French. ”

    Rayleen on Mar 7, 2011.

  • French Conversation in Melbourne Group – French in Melbourne“ Good bunch of people. Opportunity to polish up le parler ! ”

    ugotmetoday on Mar 7, 2011.

  • French Conversation in Melbourne Group – French in Melbourne“ C’est un groupe international des gens gentils et intéressants. ”

    Sigrid Von Senger on Feb 9, 2011.

  • French Conversation in Melbourne Group – French in Melbourne“ A great idea and a great way to keep practicing speaking French. Practice makes perfect. ”

    Andrea on Feb 7, 2011.

  • French Conversation in Melbourne Group – French in Melbourne“ Nice group. Very supportive and friendly. Am looking forward to the next deuxieme samedi! ”

    Angela on Jan 12, 2011.

  • French Conversation in Melbourne Group – French in Melbourne“ Really interesting mix of locations for meetups and great group. ”

    Geoff on Jan 12, 2011.

  • French Conversation in Melbourne Group – French in Melbourne“ Excellent. ”

    albert kaminsky on Jan 12, 2011.

  • French Conversation in Melbourne Group – French in Melbourne“ The group was diverse, young and old(er). Very friendly and welcoming. They were extremely patient and tolerant of my fumbling beginner’s French. ”

    Tessa on Jan 11, 2011.

  • French Conversation in Melbourne Group – French in Melbourne“ Pretty much at my level or higher, which I find very helpful. ”

    David Krycer on Jan 3, 2011.

  • French Conversation in Melbourne Group – French in Melbourne“ Je n’ai pas parle francais beaucoup recemment mais j’ai trouve le niveau a ce meetup etait OK. ”

    Carole Lander on Dec 12, 2010.

  • French Conversation in Melbourne Group – French in Melbourne“ This is a good way to connect to French language and culture.. ”

    Margarete on Dec 6, 2010.

  • French Conversation in Melbourne Group – French in Melbourne“ A great idea – will definitely attend again. ”

    Rachel Lee on Nov 25, 2010.

  • French Conversation in Melbourne Group – French in Melbourne“ Great opportunity to meet people who are very keen to speak and practise French – it does not matter what level you are at. ”

    Nickie on Nov 25, 2010.

  • French Conversation in Melbourne Group – French in Melbourne“ Love it, will definately go as often as I can! ”

    Miriam on Nov 8, 2010.

  • French Conversation in Melbourne Group – French in Melbourne“ Tous très sympa et accueillant! ”

    Merryl Christen on Sep 12, 2010.

  • French Conversation in Melbourne Group – French in Melbourne“ iT WAS THE FIRST TIME FOR ME AND I AM LOOKING FORWARD TO THE NEXT MEET UP. ”

    harry keenan on Sep 7, 2010.

  • French Conversation in Melbourne Group – French in Melbourne“ Friendly, great opportunity to meet other francophones and francophiles and exchange our stories ”

    Michelle on Sep 6, 2010.

  • French Conversation in Melbourne Group – French in Melbourne“ Excellent group for meeting people and practicing French conversation. Really helps my confidence and my French! Everyone so far has been very friendly and helpful whatever your level of French. ”

    Pam Harris on Aug 16, 2010.

  • French Conversation in Melbourne Group – French in Melbourne“ I think the Meetup Group is such a wonderful idea because it brings people together from different walks of life but have a common passion for speaking French. Therefore , such a meeting then brings people together in a spirit of friendship and cooperation, building “bridges” with people everywhere. My final words to the group when I left was that “I had been inspired meeting them”.I can see that the Group will become larger and that you will have to find larger venues to accommodate growing numbers. ”

    George Calache on Aug 16, 2010.

  • French Conversation in Melbourne Group – French in Melbourne“ Love it ! ”

    Bethany on Aug 11, 2010.

  • French Conversation in Melbourne Group – French in Melbourne“ The group is a great way to meet people with similar interests and experiences! ”

    Serge Schoots on Aug 11, 2010.

  • French Conversation in Melbourne Group – French in Melbourne“ I definitely recommend it, and will go again as frequently as i can , Thanks Judy and Betthany ”

    Glenda on Jul 29, 2010.

  • French Conversation in Melbourne Group – French in Melbourne“ It’s a very fine way of giving oneself a good workout through speaking, and listening to, French. Especially to clear the little grey cells of a morning. ”

    Robert S on Jul 29, 2010.

  • French Conversation in Melbourne Group – French in Melbourne“ A dynamic group. ”

    Suzanne Cavanagh on Jul 26, 2010.

  • French Conversation in Melbourne Group – French in Melbourne“ Le groupe est toujours très accueillant pour les nouveaux membres. L’ambiance des réunions est toujours chaleureuse et conviviale. ”

    Veronica Sheen on Jul 26, 2010.

  • French Conversation in Melbourne Group – French in Melbourne“ Great opportunity to practise your french and meet some lovely people. ”

    Kristen Dorian on Jul 18, 2010.

  • French Conversation in Melbourne Group – French in Melbourne“ My French has improved out of sight by being involved. ”

    Corinne on Jul 14, 2010.

  • French Conversation in Melbourne Group – French in Melbourne“ I Love it! I’ve had a wonderful time the past couple meet-ups and I always get to chat with interesting people. ”

    Lexie Zimbelman on Jul 14, 2010.

  • French Conversation in Melbourne Group – French in Melbourne“ It is really effective way how to practice the French language. Furthermore, the environment and people are always great and willing to discuss the diverse topics in French. ”

    Petra on Jul 11, 2010.

  • French Conversation in Melbourne Group – French in Melbourne“ It is a good group because the people are great and there is really good opportunity to hone your french language. ”

    Hew MacIntosh on Jun 20, 2010.

  • French Conversation in Melbourne Group – French in Melbourne“ Merveilleux, une tres bonne occasion pour rencontrer des gens interessants. ”

    Margot Knight on Jun 20, 2010.

  • French Conversation in Melbourne Group – French in Melbourne“ It’s very well organised without being formal. There was nothing I’d change — everything was perfect. There was a fantastic mix of people, from the very fluent to early intermediate, but everyone seemed to fit in well. ”

    Carolyn on May 27, 2010.

  • French Conversation in Melbourne Group – French in Melbourne“ Intimité du groupe permettant d’échanger, de communiquer et d’apprendre à connaître les personnes plus facilement. Moments agréables à partager. ”

    BERTHIER on May 13, 2010.

  • French Conversation in Melbourne Group – French in Melbourne“ It is extremely well organised and very welcoming. For anyone interested in France, its culture and language, this group is a great opportunity to meet native speakers as well as those fascinated with France. ”

    Megan Wahr on May 13, 2010.

  • French Conversation in Melbourne Group – French in Melbourne“ It offers a relaxed environment where you can practice your French and unique opportunities to do “French” things whilst in Melbourne! ”

    Cynthia on May 6, 2010.

  • French Conversation in Melbourne Group – French in Melbourne“ All the people in the group were friendly and there was very good acceptance of the level of each person’s french. ”

    Greg Cooper on Apr 4, 2010.

  • French Conversation in Melbourne Group – French in Melbourne“ C’est une bonne opportunité de pratiquer parler le français avec les gens sympathiques. ”

    Jude Laurence on Jan 27, 2010.

  • French Conversation in Melbourne Group – French in Melbourne“ Des rencontres divers, un occasion de parler le francais. ”

    Benjamin Shaw on Jan 15, 2010.

  • French Conversation in Melbourne Group – French in Melbourne“ To meet others who share an interest in speaking French and keeping fluent. ”

    Mary Bird on Dec 6, 2009.

  • French Conversation in Melbourne Group – French in Melbourne“ Excellent oportunity to meet both French and Francophiles. And some non French Francophiles are very impressive with the language. ”

    Olivier Normandin on Nov 26, 2009.

  • French Conversation in Melbourne Group – French in Melbourne“ To practise French. ”

    Kathy Ward on Nov 22, 2009.

  • French Conversation in Melbourne Group – French in Melbourne“ good opp to practice french conversation ”

    Roger on Nov 15, 2009.

  • French Conversation in Melbourne Group – French in Melbourne“ Fun company and a great chance to speak and practise French. ”

    Shelley on Nov 2, 2009.

  • “ It’s a great way to practice your french and meet other people with an interest in french food, wine and culture. It’s good to meet people who have also travelled or lived in France. ”
  • French Conversation in Melbourne Group – French in Melbourne“ Fun ”

    Brett Lewis on Sep 17, 2009.