Welcome to our ultimate guide to navigating the web – for francophiles.

As self-confessed Francophiles, we have bookmarks, folders and email inboxes bursting with links to do with all things French!

One day we thought, why keep all this to ourselves? It seems silly to store it up and not share it with others who are looking for just the same thing.

They say you really can find everything on the web – and we agree.

These experts have taught us how to pronounce beaucoup without being horribly embarrassed, they’ve shared their French style secrets and beauty tips; regaled us with tales of life dans l’Hexagone, and helped us prepare for our next dream trip to France.

We’ve collated our favourite links from other websites on France and general French-ness, and separated them into the handy categories you’ll find below.

Oh and don’t forget to also look out for our regular feature on our most favourite blog posts!

Our favourite links - © My French Life™

These are the links closest to our hearts, and most often clicked in our browsers. If you’re looking for a quick, simple guide to the best of the best, we suggest you start here.


Meet the experts who will keep you motivated and moving closer to your goal of mastering the French language.


If you’re in need of inspiration, escapism or up-to-date information on all things French fashion, design and lifestyle, this is for you.


French food and wine is an area of delight and deliciousness. Get to know the best restaurants from the worse, become a master at everything from ordering coffee to cutting cheese correctly.


Whether you’re travelling to France soon, already there, or simply an avid armchair traveller, this list of experts, resources and blogs is your ultimate guide to l’Hexagone.


All of these fabulous people aren’t the only experts – we have a community simply bursting with them. We’ve compiled all their tips and secrets together with ours into our own guides on all things French – just so we can share them with you.

*Coming soon*

PS – Have we missed your favourite website? Do you have an online Francophile treasure trove you’d like to share? Send us a note (or a treasure map) at info@myfrenchlife.org.

Don’t forget our other resources for trip planning:

Stay in Paris – Invest in France

FAQ - My French Life™