Enrich your life through stories, interviews, info & tips about the world of French art, theatre, music, film, architecture, design, photography etc – stay informed – what’s on where and when…
Edith Wharton: At home in the South of France
Edith Wharton: internationally famous writer, and first woman to receive a Pulitzer Prize who spoke four languages and was both a friend and confidante to prominent intellectuals including Henry James, Sinclair Lewis, Jean Cocteau, and André Gide?
Lee Miller: An Extraordinary Life
Lee Miller: I was most inspired by her war correspondent photography, writing and activity in France during the Second World War in 1944 - 1945.
Interview: Paris transformations — Materially Speaking with Sarah Monk
Podcast: This spring Mike Axinn and I went to Paris to see how artisans are able to practice their craft in a vibrant, urban setting. We wanted to discover more about the relevance of traditional skills in a world of 21st-century technologies.
Book review: The Little Paris Bookshop
The Little Paris Bookshop - The international bestseller, translated from German by Simon Pare. On a beautifully restored barge on the Seine, Jean Perdu runs a bookshop; or rather a 'literary apothecary'
Map your Days: The act of listening—an art rendezvous
Map your Day: the act of listening - this exercise opens up inspiration & offers a variety of small drawing possibilities for warm-up where you actively listen and find meaning in sometimes just noise.
Marseillan, France: Poetry – Centre
Poetry: Poem-a-Day Project - On Ourselves and Everyone Else ... Photo by Naad Kaur Art - Marseillan, France - Title: Center - Subject: dear friend Jérôme M.
Parisian Life Through the Lens of Small Joys – Limited Edition Calendar Giveaway
If you love the tiny Parisian shops that make up the mosaic that is Paris read my interview with Paris based creative Sonja Bajic
Interview: Michael Francis Cartwright, All materials are equal—Materially Speaking with Sarah Monk
Michael Cartwright likes drawing, painting, printmaking, working with beautiful red hardwoods and carving marble. He also works with found objects and discarded items, ‘old toys, bits of stick, anything’, and takes them to the local art foundry to get them cast in bronze. Once, he ripped the back off an old truck and used the metal to make a sculpture.
Simplicity: Black and White Flower Stamens
Poetry written by Naad Kaur, when in Le Robert, Martinique, France. On SimplicityHaiku/Haïku 2 versions: English & French
Interview: Emmanuel Fillion, The art of cutting stone — Speaking Materially with Sarah Monk
Emmanuel Fillion: Born in Soissons, France, he went to trade school at the age of 16 to learn how to renovate historical monuments by hand, specialising in granite.