Enrich your life through stories, interviews, info & tips about the world of French art, theatre, music, film, architecture, design, photography etc – stay informed – what’s on where and when…
French Music: Jacqueline Taïeb “Le coeur au bout des doigts”
Jacqueline Taïeb was popular at the time, but in recent years, Taïeb's experienced a bit of a resurgence as the 1960s French pop scene has been revisited and celebrated among collectors and aficionados of the period.
My Favorite French Photographer: Capturing old Paris — Part Two
Eugène Atget: My search for Eugene Atget's grave at Cimetière de Bagneux, Paris
All About French Literature
French literature: France is a famously literary country. The country’s authors have won more Nobel Prizes in Literature than any other, and the French read more books than anyone else—a whopping 17 per year!
Lance Sportif Mèzoise: Haïku
Sur le Lance Sportif - On Joyful Sports - Poème-par-jour Projet [A2: 180/366] - Poem-a-Day Project [Y2: 180/366] - Multi-strophe Haïku Français/Anglais - Multi-stanza Haiku French/English
Interview: Nicolas Bertoux — Speaking Materially with Sarah Monk
Sculptor Nicolas Bertoux, originally from Paris, now living in Tuscany is being interviewed by Materially Speaking's Sarah Monk #2
Film Review: Menus-Plaisirs – Les Troisgros
If you love food and are interested in a behind-the-scenes look from paddock to fine dining restaurant plate, then this is the film for you.
The Guide to Understanding French Culture: 6 must know quirks
Understanding French Culture: France has a distinctive culture, reflecting its long and proud history— Here are 6 quirks to be aware of.
Interview: Boris Lojkine, director of film ‘The Story of Souleymane’
Boris Lojkine: Cynthia Karena's Interview Boris Lojkine director of the film The Story of Soulymane MIIf 2024
The Story of Souleymane (L’Histoire de Souleymane): Film review
The Story of Souleymane : The film looks at the struggles and obstacles that Souleymane and his fellow undocumented workers face in Paris while they wait to learn if they will be granted legal status.
My Favorite French Photographer: Capturing old Paris — Part One
I love old photographs, especially of Paris, so I wanted to tell you about one of my absolute favorite French photographers - Eugène Atget.