Announcement: The Postcard Exchange – inviting you to participate – constant updating

Who still sends postcards when they are on holiday?

Carte Postale

There was a time – not so long ago, before the advent of emails and chats- when we used to send postcards to the people we cared for and expected to receive our share in return!

We would carefully select them according to their recipient; they could represent a painting, a point of interest, or were specially formatted for good wishes … they had a meaning and at the same time we could get away with a Bons Baisers de Paris’ for instance which was enough to keep in touch.

It was a tradition.

No wonder ‘our’ book entitled ‘The Postcard’ revolves around the domino effect such an enigmatic one produces on a family. There’s more to it than a few words and a picture. In that respect, Judy and I have been discussing a project named ‘The Postcard Exchange’.

You may remember that, during COVID time, we exchanged French-themed books between participating members. It resulted in a real heart-warming and wonderful experience.

This time we suggest we exchange postcards.

Are you in? What do you think?

This is how The Postcard Exchange will work.

  1. We’ll conduct a random draw and you’ll be given the name & address of another Exchange participant. They might live anywhere in the world and you do not have to have read The Postcard Book to participate. the more the merrier.
  2. Choose a postcard with an image of something from where you live that reminds you in some way of France) … buy two cards of the same image.
  3. Write the allocated person’s name & address on the back and why the image reminds you of France (no matter how obtuse or vague) Write to same message on both.
  4. Then by the END of APRIL post one postcard to the person whom you were allocated and one to Judy who will use all the cards she receives to create something fun for us all.

Are you in? It sounds like fun, doesn’t it?

Here is the form to add your name. In a short time, you’ll receive (from Judy, by email) the name and address of your allocated exchange partner.

So, fill out this form and head off to buy two postcards and Judy will be in touch very soon, before the END of April 2024.

Here you will find constant updates on this project: it’s not too late to register…

  1. 17 June 2024- This Postcard exchange will close in days!
  2. IMPORTANTLY please send your postcards now, your exchange partner is waiting! Imagine their excitement when your card arrives.

We’ll be sharing postcards on social media and we’d love it if you would too! Remember… DON’T show your address and DO tag us:
Instagram @maviefrancaise
Facebook @MyFrenchLife – MaVieFrancaise PAGE and Facebook private groups: Community Group and the Book Club Group
Twitter @MaVieFrancaise


About the Contributor

Jacqueline Dubois Pasquier

After teaching for 20 years abroad, I mostly live now in Paris, where I feel both like a native and an expat. I enjoy being part of My French Life™ as it makes my life in Paris even more meaningful and special. I have a passion for literature and movies. I share my thoughts in my blog and on twitter.”

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  1. Jane S. Gabin Apr 20, 2024 at 2:28 PM - Reply

    I missed the deadline! But I would love to exchange postcards with someone! I have written all my life – and now children don’t know cursive.

    • Judy MacMahon May 18, 2024 at 4:23 PM - Reply

      Hello Jane.
      I’ve just seen your comment that you haven’t yet received instructions. Your partner’s name and address were emailed to you at the beginning of May. Please check your SPAM.
      I have just now resent that same email. Please let me know when you have received it.
      Thank you

  2. Judy MacMahon May 1, 2024 at 4:35 PM - Reply

    Hello Jane.
    Please use this link to fill out the form I have the last exchange partner for you!
    Thank you

  3. Fiona MacDonald May 5, 2024 at 8:54 PM - Reply

    Hi, I missed this but would love to do this the next time you do it. 🙂

  4. Jane S. Gabin May 18, 2024 at 1:29 PM - Reply

    I am still awaiting for names/addresses to use when I send me postcards!
    I received one myself.
    Send mail to me at:
    (ADMIN EDITED) XXXX Drive, Chapel Hill NC 27517 USA


    • Judy MacMahon May 18, 2024 at 4:24 PM - Reply

      Hello Jane.
      I’ve just seen your comment that you haven’t yet received instructions. Your partner’s name and address were emailed to you at the beginning of May. Please check your SPAM.
      I have just now resent that same email. Please let me know when you have received it.
      Thank you

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