President Macron Gets it Pitch Perfect: Nous Sommes Avec Vous
President Macron gets it pitch perfect - He quickly took to the high ground once it was announced that Queen Elizabeth II had died.
President Macron gets it pitch perfect - He quickly took to the high ground once it was announced that Queen Elizabeth II had died.
Finally, after interminable weeks of boring speeches, monotonous press conferences, and tedious interviews, it’s all over.
The British and the French love to hate each other, but If they do not know if they are friends, then we have problems!
Wildfires are blazing across Europe and the temperature in France goes up and up — on the thermometer and in French politics.
French woman, Jeanne Baret was the first woman to circumnavigate the globe in the 18th century
The two National Assembly weekends of voting signals little cheer for Macron as he faces the final battle on Sunday.
These four articles about learning French will ruffle a few feathers. That’s because my essays are full of subjective statements about how bloody hard French is to learn. This is especially so, I point out, for anyone not lucky enough to be young and locked up in a garret in Paris with a French lover—with the deliberate intention of doing nothing else but learn French.
Touch & Go? There’s still the “Third Round” legislative elections to renew the Assemblée Nationale, scheduled for 12 & 19 June.
Many of France’s 48 million voters — especially those on the left — are asking themselves what the least bad option is. Or would it be better to simply stay at home and ignore both candidates in the decisive second round?
Born on a train in Eastern Siberia on March 17, 1938, Rudolf Nureyev, a young Tartar became a stupendous dancer.