1. Lost in Cheeseland – Lindsey Tramuta
Lindsey has a knack for finding thoughtful and fascinating people and places to feature on her blog. She’s not just an expert herself – she knows all the other experts too! Her lists of where to eat, drink and satisfy your sweet cravings or caffeine needs are also fantastic. Keep her blog close at all times.
2. Unlock Paris – Kim Laidlaw
As the name of her site suggests, Kim is constantly seeking out the hidden secrets of Paris. But she’s a generous soul, and luckily for us, is keen to share her secrets! We love trawling through her archives not only for the spot-on recommendations, but also the gorgeous photography.
3. Pret-à-voyager – Anne Stark Ditmeyer
The by-line for Pret-à-voyager says it all: “Travel is not about where you go, but how you see the world.” Anne is the ultimate Paris explorer, checking out the latest events, exhibitions and general happenings around the French capital. She certainly has her finger on the pulse.
4. Paris Info
Although it’s the official website for Paris, Paris info is surprisingly informative and useful. We say ‘surprisingly’, because we all know how bureaucratic and unhelpful the French government can be. Luckily, this doesn’t apply to their site: go here for a full update on what’s happening in the city.
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