french kids

9 09, 2014

Savvy Francophile’s guide to travel with kids – keeping them entertained

By |2014-09-09T12:00:07+10:00Sep 9, 2014|1 Comment

Kids are sure to get a tad grouchy if it's all work (or travel) and no play! So we've done the research, and found a few sure-fire ways to make sure the kids love travelling as much as you do.

30 06, 2014

Savvy Francophile’s guide to travel with kids – when you arrive

By |2014-09-09T12:01:43+10:00Jun 30, 2014|0 Comments

You've made it! So far so good! Remember though, baby steps... Don't rush the kids (and yourself) off their feet - you have heaps of time, so take it slowly, take a breather, and most importantly: enjoy yourself!

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