Melbourne: the first round of the French presidential election
This article is in French. Click here to read it in English.
Dimanche 22 avril 2012 a eu lieu le premier tour de la présidentielle française 2012.
Plus d’ 1 million de français votent à l’étranger.
Voici les résultats du premier tour de la présidentielle française dans le bureau de vote de Melbourne (Etat du Victoria), en Australie.
Sur 3161 inscrits, il y a eu 1006 votants, 998 votes validés. Voici le pourcentage de voix recueillis par chaque candidat:
– Nicolas SARKOZY – Candidat de l’UMP : 33,2 %
– François HOLLANDE – Candidat du Parti Socialiste : 26,7 %
– François BAYROU – Candidat du MODEM : 13,15 %
– Eva Joly – Candidate du parti Europe Ecologie Les Verts : 8,3 %
– Marine Le Pen – Candidate du Front National : 7,7 %
– Jean-Luc Mélanchon – Candidat du Front de Gauche : 7,3 %
– Nicolas DUPONT-AIGNAN – Candidat Indépendant : 1,6 %
– Jacques CHEMINADE – Candidat indépendant : 0,8 %
– Nathalie ARTHAUD – Candidate de Lutte Ouvrière : 0,7 %
– Philippe POUTOU – Candidat de Nouveau Parti Anticapitaliste : 0,5 %
Crédits d’image : Emmanuelle Trémolet
Thanks Emmanuelle, it’s really interesting for me to see how French people living in Melbourne have voted. Having lived in France and followed the election campaigns quite closely I wish I could have cast a vote yesterday myself!
Particularly interesting for me is whilst support for Sarkozy and Hollande in the Melbourne polls mirrors the general sentiment, Le Pen is far less popular within this community.
I find it strange that around 77 people actually voted FN. You kind of expect that someone being in another country would not support policies which severely restrict the ability of other foreigners to get into their country. I was more surprised to seek Sarko’s support in Melbourne was considerably higher than in France. It would be interesting to see the vote from Cairns, Townsville and the Gold and Sunshine Coasts – I’d expect Melanchon to have done better with backpackers, if indeed they voted.