House-sitting: 10 tips for the best experience ever
After years of experience, Mariannig has noted that problems occur for three main reasons.
Did you guess what they are…?
The three biggest house-sitting problems
1. A different interpretation of what ‘clean’ actually means.
2. Misunderstood instructions.
3. And last of all, an emergency situation.
Alors, with our short list, we hope you will be able to avoid any of these problems!
10 steps to peace of mind as a house-sitter or home-owner
1. Write your advertisement carefully
As a home-owner, the best way to guarantee you have a fabulous experience is to make your expectations clear! Outlining these can be quite hard, so have a good think about it.
The most important thing to remember here is to be specific: this is the best way to find candidates who will feel comfortable in your home with the responsibilities you expect them to shoulder. It also saves wasting time with people unsuited to your needs.
Having said all this, don’t just make a list of demands! In a way, this person will be doing you a massive favour, so make sure your advertisement is attractive as well as accurate.
2. Be honest about what you are offering
When it comes to describing your home, remember that you might (understandably) be a little biased – it’s a place filled with happy memories, after all! Try and look at your home from an objective point of view when you are describing what is on offer.
And that doesn’t mean putting a real estate’s spin on the actual facts! If the house is old, creaky and in need of a lick of paint, write this! That could be the exact cosy charm a usually minimalist apartment dwelling sitter is looking for. If you describe your house a certain way, then that’s what your sitters will expect, so don’t disappoint by misleading them.
As Mariannig explains, this will also ensure you find the right sitter for you. “This is the best way to find candidates who will feel comfortable with the job – animals, home or garden,” she says.
The best way to guarantee a successful exchange is to make sure your sitters have a wonderful experience!
3. As a sitter, write your profile carefully and be honest
For exactly the same reasons as above, the best way to build a trusting relationship is to have a foundation of honesty!
As a sitter, try and put yourself in the shoes of a home-owner and think ‘what would I like to know about a sitter?’ Not only should you write that you’re a Francophile looking to immerse yourself in food, wine and culture but also mention that you have two dogs at home. This is a fabulous holiday opportunity; don’t stuff it up before you have a chance to even leave the country!
As Mariannig explains, Nomador profiles are designed to build trust. “By using Nomador, each home-owner can examine the profile of candidates before answering: identity checked or not, Trust Index, personal presentation, endorsements.”
Don’t leave your prospective home-lender with any doubts – be sure your profile is complete, and honest.
4. Get to know each other before deciding to go ahead
To alleviate some of your doubts as either a home-owner or house-sitter, the best thing to do is to ask questions! Email, Skype and call your candidate as much as you’d like before clinching the deal. “[Nomador’s] secure internal email system allows them to discuss, get to know each other, provide more details about their lives, work, and more,” Mariannig explains.
This is a great way to get to know each other and decide if a house sitting agreement would work between you two.
Take the time to talk about your concerns and important matters as well as outline interesting things about your home and its surrounds. To have the most enriching experience, try and get to know each other thoroughly and discuss everything from family life and work to hobbies and interests.
As a home-owner, the more you know of someone, the more comfortable you will feel leaving your home in their hands. And as sitter, the home owner is your best resource in embarking on votre vie française!