Paris in June – what’s on?

Paris in June - what's on?Quel soulagement, when it’s finally, finally the month of June!

The frost filled months are now seemingly a distant memory, and our newly sandal clad foot is firmly in the door on the way to the early summer months. And what better place to possibly spend these sunny months than la ville des lumières?

Paris is, of course, beautiful at any time of year. But with the coming summer and this new lease of light, the city really comes into its own. Vraiment, it’s the perfect moment to en profiter– to experience the best of what Paris has to offer, prior to the floods of summer tourists.

We’ve compiled a short list of the events we believe should not be missed… so sit back, relax, and enjoy the summer sun! Paris in June is lovelier than ever.

Midsummer Fireworks

Paris in June - what's on?

What is it? Starting the list with a rather impressive bang… the Midsummer fireworks is a colourful way of celebrating the shortest day of the year.

Why should I go? Perfect with a picnic or a glass of wine, you’re sure to feel super contente– summer celebrations are underway and the view is incredible!

When? 24 June

Et ça coûte combien? This one is 100% free !

Where? Partout (at least anywhere with a view), but a little tip: the views from either the Quai Saint-Bernard or La Butte de Montmartre are particularly amazing…

Three free wine-tastings at `La Derniere Goutte`

Paris in June - what's on?

What is it? La Derniere Goutte is une caverie in Saint Germain – and for three days in June, it’s offering completely free wine-tastings. Winemakers from Château des Deux Rocs, Domaine Breton and Grosperrin will all be there to guide your tastebuds.

Why should I go? The owner of La Derniére Goutte is reputedly one of the most respected men in the wine business. His connections are amazing, and if you’re into wine, this is the place you should go.

When? June 7th, 14th, 21st, 11am-7pm

Et ça coûte combien? This, too, is totally free!

La Derniere Goutte
6 rue de Bourbon de Chateau, 75006
Métro: Saint Germain des Prés or Mabillon

The Champs-Elysées Film Festival

Paris in June - what's on?

What is it? One for the cinephiles among us, the Champs-Elysées Film Festival is relatively new- in fact, this is only its third year running, – but you’ll take huge encouragement from the massive success of the previous two festivals. They were instant hits, and we’re sure this one will be too! (How could it not be? After reading all about it, we’re all dying to go too!)

Why should I go? This festival has nearly everything a film fanatic is sure to adore: competitions, events for the kids and young people, and plenty more going on in the evenings pour vous – oh, and did we mention that over 60 films will be shown across nearly 100 showings? For schedules and more information, find out more here.

When? 11-17 June

Et ça coûte combien? Unlimited pass- Under 26: 35 euros, Pass premium: 50 euros

133 avenue des Champs-Elysées
Métro : Line 1: George V (156m)
Lines 1,2,6: Charles de Gaulle – Étoile (339m)

Paris Jazz Festival

Paris jazz Paris in June - what's on?

What is it? A massively popular festival for les Parisiens trop chauffés ; celebrating a whole range of jazz.

Why should I go? Not only should you go, but you should go early! Tout le monde will be there- picnicking, and making the most of what is sure to be a lovely summer day. The gardens are gorgeous, and depending on what weekend you decide to go, you’ll be treated to anything on the musical spectrum, ranging from Latin Jazz, to acoustic Jazz, and then to the other end- funk and soul, or jazz and chanson. There’s even a ‘hybrid weekend’, une vrai mélange of Jazz, hip-hop, funk and African music.

When? 7 June- 27 July

Et ça coûte combien? Free- you only pay for entry to the park

Parc Floral de Paris
RER Vincennes
Métro station Château de Vincennes
Bus line N°112 – Velib’ Park

Experience the Parisian theatrical scene- Blanche Neige

Paris in June - what's on?

What is it? Blanche Neige is one of the top plays (if you can call it a play- intriguingly, the website prefers to refer to it as an intermingling of ‘musique, theatre, danse, cirque’) in Paris and is recommended by Time Out. It’s a radical new twist on the traditional tale, with all the elegance and innovation you would experience from such a hit on the Parisian cultural scene.

Why should I go? Theatre Monfort and Blanche Neige come highly recommended by Time Out. It’s something a little different from the over-heated tourist traps which we’re trying to steer you clear of- after all, Paris has so much more to offer!

When? 24 & 25, 27-29  June

Et ça coûte combien? 8-25 euros

Theatre Monfort
106 rue de Brancion, 75015
Metro: Port de Vanves

Experience what Musée d’Orsay has to offer

Paris in June - what's on?

What is it? The fantastic Musée d’Orsay has several special events lined up for June for all culture-lovers. They are offering a very special Van Gogh expo, with a slightly different twist, focusing on how society drove this celebrated man to an early suicide.

The museum is also celebrating the creations of Gustave Doré this month through a series of lunchtime concerts. Doré was an incredibly talented man who made it him personal goal to illustrate some of the greatest literary works of all time through images, some of the works being  the Bible, Dante, Ariosto and Cervantes (no mean feat!).

Why should I go? Such events recognise and remind us of the greatness of these two men, and ensure that their contribution to the cultural world will not be forgotten.

When? Van Gogh expo: 11 March – 6 July 2014
Gustave Doré concerts: 11 February – 7 June 2014

Et ça coûte combien? Van Gogh expo: Varies a little. Click here for more information.
Gustave Doré concerts: Varies greatly. Click here for more information.

Musée d’Orsay
1 Rue de la Légion d’Honneur, 75007
Metro: Solférino

What will you be doing in Paris this June? Have we missed anything off our list? Let us know any Paris events you’re looking forward to this June in the comment section below.

Image Credits:
1. Paris plage, by Jean-Louis Zimmerman via Wikimedia
2. Paris fireworks, by Yann Caradec via Wikimedia
3. Wine, via ChristmasStockImages
4. Champs-Elysées at night, by Andreas Saebjoernsen via Wikipedia
5. Paris Jazz Festival, by Stephane via Flickr
6. Snow White, by Jean-Francois Cauche via Flickr
7. Musée d’Orsay, by Dimitry B via Flickr

About the Contributor

Judy MacMahon

Experience FRANCE beyond the CLICHÉ with MyFrenchLife is for Curious Savvy Francophiles wherever you are. Meet Francophiles in France, online, and/or wherever you live. You’re very welcome to join us - Judy MacMahon -

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One Comment

  1. Elise Mellor Jun 4, 2014 at 1:07 PM - Reply

    *sigh* I would LOVE to go to the Jazz Festival. A picnic, a good looking Frenchman and some smooth tunes… what a way to spend an afternoon.

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