The Dalai Lama: 10 reasons for moving towards harmony in a mindful way
Three days in a row, biologists, scientists, economists, women committed to peace in the world, and religious people from all sides, met in Brussels for the Power and Care Conference with his Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama.
Their aim was to present the current situation for our planet, and reflect together about what can practically be done to move towards harmony in a mindful way.
This article was sourced from our partner – see credits below
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Action, Women, Art, Peace, Children
1. We can all contribute and take action!
Each one of our acts, for each one of us, contributes to building up a global commitment. This starts with what we consume and with how we consider humankind. The butterfly effect with seven billion motivated people can make a difference.
2. Women have the exceptional power to care in a practical way
Women have the capacity to act on what tomorrow will look like. Consider Jody Williams, Nobel Peace Prize winner for her fight against anti-personnel landmines, or any women in her kitchen who has the power to care for animals by not putting them in her pans or oven, or even the everyday education of our children and grand-children.
His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama is deeply convinced about the vastness of women’s qualities, and his mother remains his absolute teacher in compassion training.
3. Open to communication through arts
Music, plastic arts, poetry and so on are powerful means to access serenity. As an example, piano performer Maria Joao Pires contributed to this momentum during this three-day dialogue.
4. Peace is ten times cheaper than war, why not aim for it?
The Australian Institute for Economics and Peace determined that peace is ten times cheaper than a war in a Plan of Action for Peace developed (among others) by Scilla Elworthy. This is truer now since nuclear weapons are useless against global warming and terrorism according to experts.
5. Let our children marvel about nature and go outside
Pauline Tangiora, a Maori member of the Indigenous Grandmothers Council, brought a lot of emotion to the audience simply by inviting us to let our children climb trees – real trees, not artificial ones! – walk into forests, and listen to singing birds.
Respect, Compassion, Listening, Trust, Happiness
6. Respect living organisms to fully live interdependently
This is a call to accept our differences and our responsibility to the environment and to all animals, as living things.
7. Compassion is something to be cultivated, for the benefit of all, including ourselves
Tania Singer’s research team demonstrated that we can build our compassion capacities with secular meditation practices and that we all deeply benefit from these. Why not do it?
8. Be ready for unconditional listening, receiving and loving
All religions call unanimously for such goals, and even atheists know that altruism and mutual respect leads to serenity.
9. Ban fear and power in a working environment built on trust, love & compassion
Pyramidal hierarchies are obsolete and induce massive stress. A few enterprises lead the way to new caring economics models as a way to have a more lively and meaningful workplace.
10. Happiness is an achievable goal; it is our choice to change!
Smiling more often is the first step to happiness accessible to all human beings.
The Power & Care Conference with the Dalai Lama
The upcoming century will be built on compassion; this is necessary, not superfluous, concluded Tania Singer, neuroscientist and co-chair of the event. Let us not consider power versus care, but rather let us discover and cultivate the power of care! There is no reason to ponder and hesitate; it is time for each of us to act.
His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama invited the media to stop looking only at bad news and rather to encourage their readers and citizens to incarnate and implement the changes they wish to see happen.
This article is my small contribution in this direction. I hereby express all my gratitude to his Holiness the Dalai Lama for his personal commitment to raising our awareness – Anne-Claire Gagnon.
Like the Dalai Lama, do you believe women have the capacities to contribute to harmony? What can you do to make a difference? Let us know your thoughts in the comments box below.
Images credits:
1. & 3. © Olivier Adam, via
2. ‘Jody Williams May 2010’, via wikipedia
4. ‘The Human Brain: Deconstructing Behaviour’ Tania Singer, via flickr
This article was originally written in French by Anne-Claire Gagnon of Mid&Plus – you can read it here to practice your French.
Translated into English for by Simone Allen