UPDATED daily – MyFrenchLife ‘live’* resource page for your personal creative pursuits & projects during COVID-19 isolation
The environment in which we find ourselves and the way most people are reacting is a true testament to the human spirit.
What can we do during this surreal period to build our spirit, to help others and to delve into our creativity to lessen the negativity and to provide more positive outcomes?
These are very uncertain times.
And now, more than ever before in the life of the MyFrenchLife Community, we need each other.
We need each other for support, and to feel less alone during a time that can honestly feel quite scary.
There are thousands of people who are stepping up to fight the virus, (at home or on the frontline) in the face of what we are all experiencing with COVID-19 and this is really inspiring.
Here at MyFrench Life we often speak of kindness, generosity, and support. And now is our opportunity to put that into action.
We are all in some way affected by this crisis which is uniting each of us globally.
How we deal with each other and our communities with empathy, kindness, generosity, and support is of critical importance right now. I’m thinking about what I can do for others at each opportunity.
If you have suggestions, that will help this Community really show its strength, please use the comments section below.
As we all deal with the isolation that has been thrust upon us we’re going to need tools. We’ve compiled a list of resources that may be of assistance.
When it comes to finding projects and creative pursuits to undertake during the COVID-19 pandemic disruption.
This is our MyFrenchLife ‘LIVE’* and ever being updated resource page.
*This resources page will continuously be updated with resources for members – hence it will change all the time – it is ‘live’.
- Inspiration – be inspired by what others have done in confinement in years gone by???
- 1. Learn
- 2. Read and Write
- 3. Listen (music, podcasts etc)
- 4. Exercise: body and mind
- 4.1 Meditation: Oprah and Chopra
- 4.2 Sound bath meditation – Instagram – en francais
- 4.3 Meditation – Come sit with me – Instagram
- 4.4 La quotidienne du tigre
- 4.5 En Français et de Paris – 30 mins de sport
- 4.7 Great stretching video even if you are not inflexible – (merci Shannon)
- 4.8 Great combo – kickboxing, ballet & yoga
- 4.9 The original Step Reebok video
- 5. Watch (film, art, places etc.)
- 6. Cook
Inspiration – find out what others have done in confinement in years gone by???
“From Frida to Shakespeare, the Amazing Things They Did whilst ‘Social Distancing’ “
1. Learn
1.1 Open Culture – everything!
‘I have never let my schooling interfere with my education.’ Mark Twain may or may not have actually said that, but either way the sentiment resonates — and with a new strength now, since schools have closed all over the world in an attempt to halt the spread of the pandemic coronavirus.
1.2 Free drawing classes by famous illustrators
“Work-from-home has become the new normal for adults in the U.S. at the same time that school closures have forced millions of children inside. Parents are trying to juggle being teachers, caretakers, and coworkers while also staying sane. So illustrators have stepped up to create virtual resources and free classes for kids, parents, and anyone else who needs a creative break in the midst of the pandemic….” Check it out here.
1.3 Learning french never stops
At first, this suggestion of continuous learning may seem an alarming one. Perhaps you’re thinking:
“But if I never stop learning French, how will I feel accomplished and satisfied? How will I feel like I’m ‘done’?”
But that’s the point!
Here is our 10 part series to take you all the way on your French learning journey.
The final hurdle as you learn French is the realisation that being ‘perfect’ at French isn’t the best goal. In fact, it’s not even a reasonable one.
When you look at language learning as an ongoing and evolving process, the joy of success will come not from passing a test or meeting a benchmark. It will come from your own sense that you are learning French for your own enrichment.
This is the most exciting part of your entire French learning journey. It’s the moment where you get to make your mastery of French whatever you want it to be!
1.4 Free Online Photography Workshop – Carla Coulson
“My lovelies, this weekend let’s have some fun together. Saturday at 3pm Paris, I’m giving a FREE PORTRAIT PHOTOGRAPHY WORKSHOP ONLINE (about 1.5 hours) on Zoom. I will be sharing tips on how to connect with people, the stories behind some of my images and I will answer questions you have about photography or whatever you are curious about. The idea is to create a creative space to hang out online and talk photography!!!
Share this with your friends if they are on lockdown and need a little creative, fun diversion. You can sign up via below and you will receive an email with the link and the reminders.
Love you guys, hope to see you on the weekend.
PS. If you can’t make the LIVE call we will send you the replay.
PPS. bring your camera, dog, cat, Aperol Spritz, come in your pyjamas or whatever makes you happy.
PPPS Photo of @waynechickmakeup and my eternal thanks to her for letting me use this
PPPPS: nothing to buy, no upsells, Zip-a-dee-doo-dah to do other than
SIGN UP HERE https://carlacoulson.com/free-online-portrait-workshop-with-carla-coulson “
2. Read and Write
2.1 Writing course with Tucker Max & others
It’s Time to Write Your Book
With everyone stuck at home, this is the perfect time to sit down & finally write your book. And we’re going to help—100% free Reserve My Spot
Tucker Max, 4x NYTimes Bestselling Author
We’ll begin by demystifying the book writing process, help you set the proper expectations for your book, and guide you through overcoming the common author fears that prevent you from finishing your book.
We believe everyone on earth has a story to tell and knowledge to share, and their wisdom should be put in a book so their legacy and their impact on others won’t be lost.
Especially the people who can’t afford our services (which range from $10k to $100k+). Everyone should have access to the exact same information as anyone else, so their books can be just as professional as the people who can pay for our services.
That’s our mission, and with the uncertainty in the world, it’s even MORE important now than before. People need the tools to be able to take their destiny into their own hands, and we can help by teaching you everything you need to know to write your book, right now.
2.2 E-Books in English & French – FNAC
Two links for free ebooks from FNAC, one for French books and one for English books. You may need to download the FNAC app called KOBO to access them.
2.3 Childrens audio stories each day – David Walliams
David Walliams is releasing a free children’s audio story every day for the next month
‘Elevenses’ are daily short stories from his best-selling kids’ books.
2.4 My Little Paris at home-read in French daily
“Tout est nouveau :
Conjuguer le verbe “se confiner” à tous les temps
Devoir choisir. Où. Et avec qui.
Osciller entre gravité et légéreté.
Vivre tous ensemble la même chose.
Ne plus se toucher. Etre en manque de touchage.
Se dire que ça va être long.
Trop long ? Un conseil : créez-vous un rituel dans votre journée , en passant de la face A, métro-boulot-dodo, à la face B : slow-slow-slow. Alors, ça donne quoi la face B ?
Le matin
Créez enfin votre routine idéale en commençant la journée par une méditation, mais sans appli. On vous conseille plutôt de lire ce texte écrit par l’historien Roger Keyes à propos de la peinture d’Hokusaï.
Pendant la pause café
Décompresser en se lançant dans le 30 DAY ART CHALLENGE. Chaque jour, une oeuvre d’art à réaliser en peinture, collage, sculpture, photographie… Avec quoi ? Tout ce qui est chez vous. “
…… et plus!!!!
Check it out here.

3. Listen (music, podcasts etc)
3.1 (En français) – MidetPlus.fr – suggestions: music, visits, galleries and more..
Je ne vous apprends rien, avec le confinement, les activités artistiques ou sociales sont interrompues pour un certain temps, voire un temps certain. Et ont fait naître une nouvelle forme de solidarité avec l’offre gratuite en ligne de nombreux artistes ou musées et de films à voir ou à revoir.
3.2 Multi Podcasts – en français – Nouvelles Écoutes
Nouvelles Écoutes imagine, crée et distribue des programmes audio destinés à être écoutés à la demande.
Leader des studios de production de podcasts natifs, ses programmes totalisent plusieurs milliers de téléchargements par mois.
Fondé en novembre 2016 par Lauren Bastide et Julien Neuville, Nouvelles Écoutes réunit les meilleurs aut·eur·rice·s, réalisat·eur·rices, product·eur·rices, musicien·ne·s et technicienne·s du métier. Concepts éditoriaux innovants, production sonore ambitieuse : les programmes originaux de Nouvelles Écoutes posent un regard aiguisé sur la société, à travers des angles précis : féminisme, gastronomie, économie, entrepreneuriat, sport, pop-culture, philosophie, transmission, sexualité et d’autres à venir encore ! Nouvelles Écoutes informe, divertit, ouvre au monde et se donne pour mission d’offrir à tous ce moment où, casque sur les oreilles, la routine disparaît.
Pour vous lancer :Téléchargez notre petit guide du podcast !
3.3 Resources to help you read en francais
One of the best ways to improve your French is by reading. Unlike spoken French, which can sometimes be too fast to understand, reading allows you to go at your own pace. It adds to your vocabulary and can help your pronunciation if you read out loud. No matter what your level of French, reading is a fun and effective way to get better at this beautiful language.
This article follows ‘Learning French: how to master reading in French‘, we suggest that you read it before this one.
3.4 New short French podcasts – daily listening
4. Exercise: body and mind
Whilst this is not French specific-with isolation we’re all looking for exercise and activities accessible within the home.
Here are some good ideas and perhaps we can add some in either English or French.
Thanks to member Shannon Latimer Marchat and others!
Some of these are in French and others in English – find what suits you in terms of language, style, and tempo.
“Some of my favorite indoor workouts to get our hearts pumping, minds cleared and muscles stretched – links in comments.”
Also, if any of you have any favorites, please add them in the comments below – I’m always looking for new recommendations!
4.1 Meditation: Oprah and Chopra
#HopeGoesGlobal – Join Deepak Chopra, Oprah, and millions of meditators around the world to find peace of mind in the midst of turmoil, and do your part to help our global community find hope and optimism.
4.2 Sound bath meditation – Instagram – en francais
IHHY NEW MOON SOUND BATH MEDITATION | By @chaumetclotilde@tihhy
TIHHY SOUND BATH est une séance de relaxation et de méditation profonde, guidée par la voix et le son de bols en cristaux. Composés de cristaux et de minéraux rares, les fréquences et les vibrations de ces bols vont agir sur nos chakras, restaurer le corps, le mental et l’esprit en permettant une méditation totale. Allongé confortablement, vous ressentirez une sensation immense d’apaisement. L’alchimie de ces bols très particuliers vous transporteront dans une expérience unique et mystique. (Il est préférable de porter de écouteurs ou un casque pour vivre pleinement l’expérience.) Par @chaumetclotilde@tihhy
4.3 Meditation – Come sit with me – Instagram
4.4 La quotidienne du tigre
Updated today: Yoga on YouTube
Nous sommes convaincus que ce temps de confinement pourra être un temps d’amour familial, de créativité, de réflexion, de reconnexion à soi… Un temps aussi pour faire ce que vous n’avez jamais le temps de faire : PRENDRE SOIN DE VOUS. Pour vous accompagner dans cette période, toute notre équipe s’est mobilisée pour vous concocter chaque jour un rendez-vous : La Quotidienne du Tigre, c’est un cours pour les adultes à 11h et un cours pour les enfants à 17h accessibles gratuitement sur notre chaîne Youtube et sur Facebook https://www.facebook.com/tigreyogaclub/
4.5 En Français et de Paris – 30 mins de sport
YouTube | Ville de ParisParis chez vous : 30 minutes de sport confiné avec Linda, coach sportive à la Ville de Paris
4.6 Quarantined French man runs marathon on apartment balcony
Quarantined French man runs marathon on apartment balcony
Elisha Nochomovitz spent six hours and 48 minutes running 42.2K around the seven-metre balcony of his apartment on TuesdayMar 21st
4.7 Great stretching video even if you are not inflexible – (merci Shannon)
4.8 Great combo – kickboxing, ballet & yoga
I love the lunges/ballet/yoga moves starting around 15:00
4.9 The original Step Reebok video
Released on VHS in 1992. Featuring Gin Miller, the creator of Step Reebok.
5. Watch (film, art, places etc.
5.1 My French Film Festival – Stay home version
MyFrenchFilmFestival STAY HOME Edition
Until April 27, 2020, watch more than 50 French short films for free, available worldwide and subtitled in many languages. Now is the time to watch French Films. Stay home!
5.2 Musée d’Orsay
Take a virtual visit to the Musee d’Orsay.
– An exhibit about the original renovation
– a virtual guide
– view the extraordinary collection
5.3 Guggenheim Museum
Guggenheim Museum releases over 200 Modern Art Books online for FREE.
The Guggenheim Museum in New York has just made more than 200 books about modern art available online. Not only can you read them online, but you can download them in PDF or ePub formats—for free—at the Internet Archive.
5.4 The Palace of Versailles – virtual tour
From The Hall of Mirrors to The Grand Trianon via the beautiful fountains, The Palace of Versailles is opening its digital doors for a virtual tour to be experienced from your own home.
22,000 pieces of art to experience online
In this time of uncertainty with many cultural spaces closed, museums are offering an alternative to allow fans to make the most of their treasures and pieces: the virtual tour. After the MET, the Louvre and the Musée d’Orsay, it’s now the Palace of Versailles‘s turn to open its galleries for an interactive stroll through the sages. Including the Hall of Mirrors, the Grand Trianon, the royal apartments, a peaceful work of art created for Marie Antoinette along with numerous gardens and fountains, not a single corner has been missed. Access to the virtual exhibitions is free is comes in partnership with Google Arts & Culture and takes users on a journey throughout the rich collections of the Palace and its art collection of over 22,000 pieces, which have all been detailed thoroughly on the site. This is the perfect opportunity to discover the secrets behind the famous Sacre de Napoléon, the stunning Marie Leszczynska furniture and other souvenirs from a fabulous era.
Head to the Palace of Versailles website for the virtual tour
5.5 Broadway musicals and plays free online
And let’s not forget: There are plenty of things to entertain you while inside your house, like virtual museum visits, operas, and, now, streams of all your favorite Broadway shows.
BroadwayHD, a streaming service for theater fans started in 2015, has long been bringing Broadway performances to people’s living rooms.
As the company explained in a statement, “BroadwayHD was created with the goal of making high-quality theater accessible to everyone globally.”
On the platform, subscribers will find a combination of acquired performances including performances of “Cats,” “The King and I,” and “The Sound of Music,” along with originals the platform filmed including performances of “Kinky Boots” and “42nd Street,” from Broadway, The West End, and other elite venues around the world.
5.6 Binge-Watch Every Single Episode of The French Chef with Julia Child
If you’ve always dreamed of cooking along with Julia Child, now’s your chance! The French Chef is streaming on Prime and PBS. Every. Single. Episode. [ Not Free ]
6. Cook
6.1 Assorted French recipes various sites
Marissa Wu for HipParis produced an article a number of cookbook authors and showcasing some of their French recipes. Great recipes, beautiful photography.
6.2 5 mins to learn everything about gâteau basque
6.3 Pasta making classes – live streaming
There’s an 84-Year-Old Nonna Livestreaming Pasta-Making Classes
Nonna Nerina is ready to transform you into a fettucine and cannelloni whizz. During the week it’s her granddaughter that has you covered with ravioli, gnocchi and lasagne.
6.4 The classic Burgundy Comté gougères
This little savoury cheese snack is a classic aperitif in Burgundy. France.fr passes on the recipe for this speciality that’s as easy to make as it is to eat…
6.5 Instagram hashtag #frenchrecipes #frenchcooking
Do keep checking this resource page as we’ll continue to add resources from books, to film to music and much much more. We encourage you to make suggestions and comments below. Take care.
Hello Judy;
I just read your email. Thank you for reaching out to your readers with great ideas about how to invest the time we all have in this pause that could reinvigorate each of us and society as a whole.
I am forwarding Benjamin Hardy’s email because it includes an offer of free online training from Tucker Max. I can imagine a group of your readers taking the course and then, still as a group, turning out articles and books while in lockdown. Have a look.
Have a wonderfully playful and creative week!
Savour Life!
John Orian, P. Eng.
Here is the link: https://scribewriting.com/bookschool/
Background copied below:
Over the past week, I’ve had powerful conversations with many of my advisors, coaches, and mentors.
The message I continually get is: Stay positive and optimistic. Don’t fall into the herd mentality. Keep investing in your future. Focus on the beauty and good things in the world and your life.
One of my friends, Dan Sullivan, wrote a very powerful article I wanted to share with you. I know this will be timely for you, and may be something you want to share with others.
“Scary Times” Success Manual: How To Be A Leader When Times Get Tough
I encourage you to take some time to reflect in your journal. Write about what you’re grateful for. Pay attention to the good in your life. Continue to refine your vision. You need space to get clarity, and right now, you’ve got space. Take it.
Have an amazing day. Stay safe out there.
Dr. Benjamin Hardy
P.S. If you’re someone who wants to write a book, I want you to know about something happening next week.
My friend Tucker Max, whose written 4 New York Times bestsellers, decided since every is cooped-up in their houses, that he’d spend the whole week next week doing a free and live online training (March 23-27).
Tucker promised this is really all free. No catch, no upsells, absolutely nothing to buy. Just free training if you or someone you know is interested in doing a book sometime.
I personally do no forms of affiliate marketing, so the only reason I’m sharing this is because 1) it is free, and 2) it’s very valuable if you want to do a book (I’ve personally done this training). I get nothing if you do this free training, just wanted to share it.
Here’s what you’ll learn:
Complete instructions on how to position, structure, outline, write, edit and publish a non-fiction book and a memoir.
The exact templates they use with their clients (who pay between $15k and $100s for their services).
Q & A sessions where you’ll get to ask Tucker specific questions about your book.
LIVE ‘Hot Seat’ where Tucker will choose people from the audience to share their book ideas & get personal hands-on guidance.
A free copy of his Wall Street Journal bestselling Book, The Scribe Method.
This isn’t for everyone. Here’s the link if this make sense for you.”
Here is the link: https://scribewriting.com/bookschool/