Simple Gifts

A sweet gift I came to find
Brought to me by a friend of mine
So little and innocent it would seem
And therein lay the simplest dream
To be held warmly through sharing
With local treats and local caring
Scratching beneath the surface
Living here where the earth is.
Finding myself loved in my own home
Where neighbors care for me; I’m not alone.
Naad Kaur Art
26.2.24 février/February
Mèze, France
On Acceptance
Poem-a-Day Project [Y2: 57/366]
Photo by Naad Kaur Art
Unfiltered Samsung S22Ultra
26.2.24 février/February
Mèze, France
Title: 5 Chicken eggs, 1 Goose
Farm Fresh Cage Free Local eggs
By Published On: May 23, 20240 Comments on Simple Gifts

About the Contributor

Monique Eurich

My pen name is Naad Kaur Art. My life in France has evolved to combine art, photography and poetry in a self-imposed Poem-a-Day Project which began 1.1.23. I post daily on IG & FB and plan to continue for at least 3 years to explore how art informs art.

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