valérie helmbreck mascitti

About Valérie Helmbreck Mascitti

As a staff features reporter for Gannett newspapers for many years I won the Temple University Free Speech Award and later worked in France for the DuPont Company. I'm a proud member of the Oyster of the Month Club and the National Geographic Society.
26 11, 2024

My Home & Some Castles: Life in a country with 45,000 big houses

By |2024-11-26T10:01:04+11:00Nov 26, 2024|0 Comments

It’s been said that a man’s home is his castle. For a lot of women around the world, it’s a castle that needs to be cleaned, fixed up, and made welcoming for family and friends. It’s a job.I retired from a full-time career almost a decade ago which meant I never have to go to the office, get on a plane or spend the night in a hotel room again.

17 07, 2024

Our daily pain: French life and the quotidian visit to the neighborhood boulangerie

By |2024-07-17T08:04:40+10:00Jul 17, 2024|0 Comments

Pain: After seven years of living in Paris, I can safely say that very little makes a day better than visiting your local boulangerie and coming away with a warm-from-the-oven baguette.

23 05, 2024

Finding hidden places in the most visited city on Earth: Or, how I learned to avoid tourist traps and love Paris again

By |2024-05-24T15:22:34+10:00May 23, 2024|0 Comments

Chateau Vincennes: An advantage to living in Paris is that you often stumble across less ballyhooed museums, monuments, buildings, and gardens that aren't ringed by souvenir shops full of berets and Eiffel Tower key chains.

19 04, 2024

France: What’s a Runaway Wife? How I decided to leave home, family and friends to end my life in France

By |2024-04-23T07:41:46+10:00Apr 19, 2024|1 Comment

Runaway Wife: After 40 years of making my living by writing and editing, I decided if this place I now call home is a good enough subject for the writers in Paris before me, I should give it a try.

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