All the receipes you will need: historic and contemporary: perfect to cook or just to drool.

8 01, 2025

French recipes: Winter Vegan Minestrone Soup

By |2025-01-08T13:11:02+11:00Jan 8, 2025|0 Comments

This winter vegan minestrone soup, while it won’t win any beauty pageants, is one that makes your spoon heavy; it’s so loaded with vegetables and beans and pasta it’s basically a stew. You have to bring your face close to your bowl for the shortest possible journey to your mouth, a winter dish if ever there was one.

12 11, 2024

French Recipe: Fondant Potatoes with Duck Fat and Thyme

By |2024-11-12T08:03:28+11:00Nov 12, 2024|0 Comments

Fondant potatoes: In this land, duck is king. And of course, I haven’t mentioned duck confit in which duck legs are submerged in duck fat and gently cooked until melt-in-the-mouth tender. So, I took that duck confit and replaced it with a potato.

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