
25 10, 2011

Advice for struggling French language students – 1

By |2014-11-25T15:41:05+11:00Oct 25, 2011|0 Comments

Episode 1: Camille's evaluation of group classes and private tutors. Many people learned some French in High school, college, or even through an adult education class. But how can you continue to learn French once the structured grammar classes have been completed? How can you learn conversational French? How can you become fluent?

24 10, 2011

Architects of the State: Rise and Fall of the Beaux Arts – 1

By |2013-10-30T13:43:07+11:00Oct 24, 2011|2 Comments

1814 - 1872: Solid Foundations. The 19th century was a watershed for French Architecture. The catacombs were fully excavated. The controversial architect Viollet le Duc restored Notre Dame Cathedral. And Napoleon III commissioned Baron Hausmann to tear apart the city's narrow alleyways and pave grand boulevards.

4 09, 2011

L’hôtel Maison Champs-Elysées – Martin Margiela

By |2013-07-05T13:20:05+10:00Sep 4, 2011|2 Comments

Premier hôtel de luxe pour le couturier Martin Margiela ! L'hôtel Maison Champs-Elysées a ouvert ses portes le 5 juillet dernier. Martin Margiela a été chargé de la réfection de 17 des suites de l’hôtel, ainsi que du lobby, du restaurant, du fumoir et du bar.

31 08, 2011

Un séjour en France

By |2013-07-05T13:28:19+10:00Aug 31, 2011|1 Comment

C’est toujours aussi merveilleux de revoir ma famille et mes amis qui se mettent en quatre pour m’accueillir comme une star et me caser dans leurs emplois du temps souvent chargés... Comme on dit en anglais « it grounds me », littéralement, ça me ramène à la terre ferme, à mes racines européennes! That said, I have a confession to make ! Voilà, je suis devenue une vraie New Yorkaise à Paris !

17 05, 2011

Interview: Jean Marc Paumier (‘Rue Meurt d’Art’)

By |2013-10-24T15:14:42+11:00May 17, 2011|3 Comments

Keep your eyes up, as you walk around the streets of the city, both in Paris and Colombes, and you'll see work by 'Rue Meurt d'Art', which is a pleasurably ambiguous play on words where we aren't sure if it's the streets which are killing art, art which is smothering the streets, the streets which are dying for lack of art, or if it all isn't just a bunch of vicious rumours...

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