Review : One Night in Paris

Bethany Auchettl - 1/07/13 -

‘One Night in Paris’ is a charming article written by Susan Kurosawa about a night when all of Paris hotels were booked solid and her and her partner had little to do. Instead of sulking about their misfortune, or skipping Paris altogether, they decide to dine at a snazzy Parisian restaurant (chef Alain Ducasse at the Plaza Athenee).

Kurosawa goes on to describe a wonderfully magical and elegant evening- remarking that it was really the presentation, the staging of the restaurant and the food, and all of the little minute details that really made an impression. From the gold-rimmed china to the elegant waiters ‘gliding and twirling like figure skaters’, the restaurant really set the scene itself. Kurosawa makes the whole setting so immensely appealing, I can actually imagine myself there, munching on one of six different kinds of bread, eavesdropping on the Americans at the next table discussing plot twists in Ratatouille,  and probably discretely unbuttoning the top button of my pants to save room for the cheese platter.

To read more about the wonderful food and amazing dining experience at Alain Ducasse’s Parisian restaurant, Kurosawa’s full article can be found here : One Night in Paris.

About the Contributor

Bethany Untied

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  1. Laura Griffin Sep 20, 2011 at 11:02 AM - Reply

    When all the restaurants are booked I fry up an egg and have it with toast…but going to a fine dining institution is a much better solution!

  2. Bethany Untied Sep 20, 2011 at 1:02 PM - Reply

    Haha, Laura I’m with you ! But the article had me rethinking my tendencies 🙂 And also made me hungry….

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