Just one place left for you: Paris ‘Intimate Gatherings & Indulgences’ event series – 22 to 29 September
It feels as if our May Intimate Gatherings and Indulgences event series in Paris happened only yesterday… but here we are again – there are only a few places left at our September events!
They will be held between 22 and 29 September 2013, and we’d love to see you there.
Can you guess which fabulous venues we’ll be discovering & experiencing in September?
Which famous chefs and restaurateurs will we meet? … Your member-only invitation will reveal all!
If you would like to attend our next event series ‘Intimate Gatherings and Indulgences’ in Paris please:
- Sign up now.
- If you haven’t already received an invitation, please email us to request one at Paris.MaVieFrancaise@gmail.com.
Not a member yet? Get started by clicking the red button at the top right of the page – it’s a simple process to become a part of our community and join the fun! What’s more, it’s free.
Haven’t received your invitation yet? Be sure to let us know.
We hope to see you soon!
1 & 4. Judy MacMahon.
2 & 3. Carina Okula.
5 & 7. Cynthia Chavez.
6. Gail Boisclair.