Video: French women are timeless

French women - © Edward Steichen - My French Life - NGVFrench women have always been stylish, and always look wonderful in photographs.

Oui, a generalisation, we know… But if you’d seen the National Gallery of Victoria’s new exhibition, you’d have to agree with us.

Vintage art deco fashion from designers like Lanvin, Chanel and Madeleine Vionnet sits alongside captivating work from masterful photographer Edward Steichen. It’s all glamour and French chic, with a fair share of glitter, sequins and velvet. We were in French fashion heaven…

Steichen’s work graced the pages of many Condé Nast publications – namely Vogue and Vanity Fair, where he was chief photographer for 15 years. He photographed many timeless French women, alongside the likes of Marlene Dietrich, Charlie Chaplin, Katherine Hepburn, Clara Bow, Greta Garbo, Winston Churchill and George Gershwin.

If you’d like to discover more about the significance of Steichen’s work, I’d highly recommend this post on ‘Australian Photography’. Meanwhile, visit ‘Broadsheet’ for an in-depth look at the exhibit, and click here to see some of Steichen’s beautiful photographs on ‘The Age’.

Oh a here’s a sneak peek – just pour vous !


Edward Steichen & Art Deco Fashion‘ is open until 2 March, 2014.

Have you visited the exhibition? Do you think French women are timeless? Share your thoughts below!

Image © Edward Steichen courtesy National Gallery of Victoria.

About the Contributor

Hannah Duke

“I’m a Melbourne-based journalist, editor, photographer, and blogger dreaming of la vie européenne. I love all things French except for the pigeons: film, food, literature, fashion, and I indulge in this passion as often as possible! Find me on Twitter, or Google+.”

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  1. Sandra E Brown Nov 19, 2013 at 10:46 PM - Reply

    Oh my Mum will love this! I didn’t realise it was on. Will drag her up her from the country for the day. Fantastic Hannah – thanks!

  2. Hannah Duke Nov 21, 2013 at 11:47 AM - Reply

    My pleasure! I hope you both enjoy it… Let us know what you think 🙂

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