Ultimate online guide to using Trello – Publication Schedule Board

Publication Schedule Board

This board is for:

  • Coordinator Extraordinaire
  • Team member responsible for Publishing

The ‘Publication Schedule’ board is located within the ‘MyFrenchLife.org – Internal Content’ organisation.

In this board, we’ll schedule the articles for publication.

The board ‘Publication schedule’ is divided into 5 lists:

  • ON HOLD – To review – Cornerstone content

Any articles that have been put on hold pending review from the editorial team.

  • Ready – NO DATE – Contributor content
  • Ready – NO DATE – Cornerstone content

Any articles that are ready for publication but have not yet been allocated a date go into their respective lists – depending on whether they’re contributor or cornerstone content. The third

  • Ready – Scheduled – Contributor content
  • Ready – Scheduled – Cornerstone content

For the articles that have been scheduled on a specific date.

  • Published:

For all published articles.

  • Newsletter subject lines

All newsletter subject lines are stored here, and scheduled in the corresponding week.

How to schedule an article?

To see an overview of the publication schedule, click on ‘Calendar’ on the top right hand corner.

Scheduling is completed by the managing editor/editor-in-chief each week, for around two weeks in advance. We generally publish one article per day – sometimes two, from Monday to Friday.

When scheduling, we like to ensure there is a good mix of categories, topics and authors.We only publish the same author twice in one week in exceptional circumstances. An easy way to check categories is to look at the colours: each colour matches one category.

–      Green: Escapades
–      Yellow: Gastronomy
–      Orange: Reportage & Société
–      Red: Vie Française
–      Purple: Arts & Culture
–      Blue: Mode & Beauté

To schedule an article, select a card in the ‘Ready – NO DATE’ list, then click on ‘Due date’, and set the date when you’d like to publish the article.

Then move the card to next list ‘Ready – Scheduled’, and move the card up or down to fit the chronological order.

Once the article has been published, move the card again to the last list ‘Published’.

Remember to check the list ‘Pending Publication’ in the Editorial Schedule, and move any article fro this list to the Publication Schedule.


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About the Contributor

Gabrielle Dauby

I'm a Belgian born and raised, educated in Belgium and in The Netherlands, and Melbourne-based intern at My French Life. My dream job would be combining food, travels, literature, and photography - I'm trying to make that happen!

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