MyFrenchLife™ French Book Club: Albert Camus, L’Étranger – December 2018
This December we are challenging ourselves to think outside the box, with existential classic, L'Étranger.
This December we are challenging ourselves to think outside the box, with existential classic, L'Étranger.
Let's delve into the exceptional mind of Baudelaire through his poetry as we continue our 2018 book club,
Let's read this scandalous French classic by Laclos, 'Les Liaisons dangereuses' - 2018 book club challenge!
Amélie Nothomb - Stupeur et Tremblements: join us as we continue our 2018 book club with Nothomb's personal story of a challenging life in Japan.
Continuing our 2018 book club challenge with a tale of crime and passion – Stendhal's 'Lamiel'.
A tale of marriage & hypocrisy – Balzac's 'Le Père Goriot' as we continue our 2018 French Book Club Challenge.
We continue our 2018 book club challenge with a tale of crime and passion – Stendhal's 'Le Rouge et Le Noir'.
Continuing our 2018 book club challenge with another great French literary classic – Gustave Flaubert's Salammbô - read in French or English
We continue our book club challenge with a French literary classic – Gustave Flaubert's Madame Bovary.
It's time to buy your second book! 'The End of Eddy' or 'En finir avec Eddy Bellegueule' by Édouard Louis.