Paris Mosaic: meet the artisans in Paris

food_My French Life_ Paris Mosaic

What is it that stands Paris apart from New York and London other than its history and beautiful architecture?

Have you ever been browsing the boutiques of Paris and suddenly found yourself at a shop window, nose pressed up against the glass to admire a display that took your breath away?

Arriving at your local boulangerie to select the most golden looking croissants and your morning baguette, have you ever thought to look closer at your good-natured baker and ask yourself: who is this person and what drives him or her? And where did they learn to make such delicious bread?

When the scent of the roses that adorn your apartment reaches your nose, have you ever wondered whose hands chose and tenderly pruned those flowers, and whose mind visualised the perfect floral arrangement that stands before you?

We at MyFrenchLife™ certainly have! These artisans in Paris and their small businesses are the inspiration behind this series: Paris Mosaic.

Artisans in Paris: a mosaic of beauty…

MyFrenchLife™ - Artisans in Paris - Paris Mosaic - Fromagerie GoncourtWe all know that there is so much more to Paris than its famous monuments. In fact, one of the things we love most about the City of Light are the beautiful artisan businesses that line the city’s streets. Without them, Paris would all but be an empty shell, devoid of the treasure troves that give it its eccentric charm.

These businesses – the boulangeries, fromageries, chocolateries, patisseries and the fleuristes (oh, the florists!) – are delightfully unique. While some are nestled into narrow passageways, easily overlooked and only discovered by chance, others stand proudly on the busiest boulevards.

From the rose-flavoured caramels and the creamiest goat’s cheese to the rustic loaves and resplendent lilacs, these artisans create products de la plus grande qualité with the utmost passion and dedication.

As diverse as their products, owners and locations, these small businesses create a mosaic of artisanal beauty in la Ville Lumière.

Introducing the artisans

Enchanted by their beautiful displays and inspired by their creativity, we set out to meet and to learn more about the people behind these hidden gems: the artisans in Paris.

Visiting many corners of Paris, from the quartiers bobos to the more well-known bustling areas, we were amazed by each committed entrepreneur and passionate creative we met, who, together, make Paris the magical place we all love.

MyFrenchLife™ - Artisans in Paris - Paris Mosaic - Au Delà des Prés florist and Bruno Solques bakery

This is why we have put together our Paris Mosaic series – to let you in on each arrondissement’s best-kept secrets and to share the stories of the most authentic and dedicated artisans of the City of Light.

Be sure to stay tuned!

Experience more artisan beauty with us in our Paris Mosaic series…
Le Furet Tanrade // Thalie // La Petite Chocolatière // FJ Fleuriste // Boulangerie Bruno Solques // Rêve // Fromagerie Goncourt // Au-delà des Prés // Le Grenier à Pain // Boulangerie des Artistes // Les Fleurs d’Aline // Gontran Cherrier

So, are you ready to meet these artisans and experience the mosaic of Parisian artisan beauty with us? Share your favourite Parisian artisan businesses with us on Instagram @MaVieFrancaise or in the comments below!

Image credits:
1. © Stephanie Williamson
2. © Stephanie Williamson.
3. Courtesy of Anne Leroy of Au Delà des Prés.
4. © Justine Goode.

About the Contributor

Judy MacMahon

Experience FRANCE beyond the CLICHÉ with MyFrenchLife is for Curious Savvy Francophiles wherever you are. Meet Francophiles in France, online, and/or wherever you live. You’re very welcome to join us - Judy MacMahon -

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  1. roberta costa Feb 20, 2016 at 9:26 PM - Reply

    Millefeuille at Pierre Herme, 72 Rue Bonaparte

    • Judy MacMahon Jul 25, 2016 at 10:39 AM - Reply

      Thanks Roberta – We really appreciate your suggestion and we’ll add it to our list.

    • Judy MacMahon Nov 22, 2016 at 5:58 PM - Reply

      thanks so much for this suggestion Roberta

  2. Artemis Sfendourakis Apr 10, 2016 at 8:52 PM - Reply

    I cannot agree more with the fact that French window-dressing and shop displays are a beautiful sight to behold. I was transfixed by the spice display at Lafayette Gourmet; the mounds of colourful products were amazing! Looking forward to discovering more with the Paris Mosaic series.

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