Finesse your French – Conclusion: Celebrating your French Fluency

Congratulations! You’ve achieved something you may have thought you could never reach: true French fluency.  Celebrating all your hard work is in order, but lets also look ahead: where will your French language learning journey take you from here? As a fluent, engaged, and inquisitive French speaker, the options are endless!

A look at how far you’ve come toward fluency

The staircase of your French language learning journey has been very long, and in places very steep.

But now that you’re at the top, a beautiful vista unfolds… behind you the hard-fought steps of your climb… and before you, a new world of possibilities.

If you’ve been following this entire series, or if you’ve picked it up at a more advanced stage, you know how much discipline, patience, and sheer determination it takes to get this far.

Not so long ago, perhaps you were frustrated and discouraged at the idea of tackling the French language. But that was before MyFrenchLife™ helped you discover a new way to learn.

You’ve found motivation in unexpected places – from innovative grammar games to silly French words – while adapting your approach based on what types of learning work best for you. Below, we’ve included a complete list of the steps you’ve taken with us by your side… the list is for you to peruse and reflect on at your leisure.

Making time for French

As you can see, reaching this level of French learning is an incredible achievement. But what next? As we’ve pointed out before it’s now up to you where you take your French learning journey.

But this doesn’t mean you should ‘feel the pressure’ of having to figure things out for yourself – you don’t have to stick to a rigid schedule or stress yourself out over whether you’re learning enough new content.

On the contrary, having reached French fluency, you can organize your French enrichment however you want… and if that means your French skills fall off at times, don’t worry! You’re busy and life gets in the way, but you now have the resources and skills, as well as the confidence and positive attitude, to get back on track when you get the chance. Just as it’s been throughout your journey, the most important ingredient for success is keeping your content relevant and exciting for you.

Using your French fluency

However you choose to integrate ongoing French learning into your daily life, the most exciting question is: what will you do with your French fluency?

  • Do you want to take the ultimate immersive vacation to France?
  • Or read your favorite classical French authors in the original?
  • How about talking to your Francophone friends – and making new ones – all in their native tongue? Lavenir, cest à toi !

What are you planning to do with your newly finessed French? What do you still want to learn and explore? Let us know in the comments section below and please be sure to share this article to let your friends in on your ‘Finessing your French’ secrets!

Enjoyed this article?
Currently at a different level of French learning?
Click through to discover more articles in our ‘Finesse your French’ series:

You CAN learn French this time: a breakthrough method – introduction
How to overcome your French learning frustration – part 1
Moving beyond French conversation basics – part 2
French language and culture – part 3
The intermediate French learning plateau and how to overcome it – part 4
How to make French grammar easy – part 5
How to engage with contemporary France – part 6
How to push towards French fluency – part 7
How to have advanced French fun – part 8
How to maintain and build your advanced French skills – part 9

Image credits
1. Speed dating in foreign language by via
2. French scrabble by Scara via Pixabay
3. Nice by Alexandra Koch via pixabay

About the Contributor

Judy MacMahon

Experience FRANCE beyond the CLICHÉ with MyFrenchLife is for Curious Savvy Francophiles wherever you are. Meet Francophiles in France, online, and/or wherever you live. You’re very welcome to join us - Judy MacMahon -

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