Eating on the go: five spots around Montmartre

eating Montmartre Sacré Cœur overlooks the Parisian rooftops and the charming little brasseries and cafésMontmartre’s history as a village and its artistic spirit make it difficult to resist its appeal.

The thing is, when it comes to eating in this neighborhood, it becomes hard not to end up in one of the tourist traps. Guess what? We’ve saved you some time and picked five places for you to eat on the go around Montmartre. Don’t worry – there are no overheated
French croque-monsieurs or fast-food restaurants to come!

1. La Popote du 18

La Popote du 18 - Montmarte - eating on the go - Paris

For lunch, Parisians love to come to this bistro-style restaurant to order club sandwiches or saladiers gourmands. These appetizing salads are accompanied with foie gras, smoked duck breast or goats’ cheese to really tantalize your taste buds. During the weekend, the brunches are also worth popping in for. As the French say: Miam!

La Popote du 18
184 rue Marcadet, 75018 Paris
Métro: Lamarck Caulaincourt

2. Le Comptoir des Belettes

La Café des Belettes - - Montmarte - eating on the go - ParisWhen we push open the door to this charmingly retro restaurant we know exactly what to order: the tarts and French tartines of course; the restaurant’s specialties!

Sweet or savory, there is something for everyone! When it gets warmer, we can’t resist eating outside on the terrace and sipping on a glass of wine…

Le Comptoir des Belettes
37 rue Lamarck, 75018 Paris
Métro: Lamarck Caulaincourt

3. Le Café Tabac

Cafe Tabac - Montmarte - eating on the go - Paris

As the name suggests, this spot was a former café selling cigarettes. Today, the place has been transformed into a lovely cafeteria owned by a French-Australian couple. For lunch, we go for a soup or a delightful sandwich. For the goûter, we never say no to one of their lattes accompanied with one of the mouthwatering viennoiseries.

Le Café Tabac
1 bis rue Ravignan 75018 Paris
Métro: Abbesses

4. Smooth in the city

eating Montmartre -www.MyFrenchLife.org6Pick freshly made and delicious smoothies, add some tasty sandwiches and finish with a colorful decoration and you’ll get Smooth in the City!

For us, it’s the perfect spot when we’re looking for a balanced and healthy bite. Carrie Bradshaw would certainly love this place…

Smooth in the City
11 Rue des Abbesses, 75018 Paris
Métro: Abbesses

5. O’Bubble

O'Bubble -  - Montmarte - eating on the go - Paris

O’Bubble offers two foreign specialties: yummy bagels and a large choice of bubble teas; a tea-based beverage with tapioca and fruity flavors which comes from Taiwan. The mix may seem surprising at first but trust us, this marriage works perfectly! And the icing on the cake: the owner is as lovely as he is welcoming!

47 bis rue d’Orsel, 75018 Paris
Métro: Anvers 

Have you eaten at any of these places? What did you think? Share your comments with us below, we’d love to hear your thoughts!

Image credits:
1. Montmartre streets, via RefPrime
2. La Popote du 18éme, via Google+.
3. Le Comptoire des Belettes, by Jistonboy. via Foursquare.
4. Le Café tabac, by Lion Z. via Yelp.
5. Smooth in the city  , by Jess M via Yelp.
6. O’Bubble, by Line via Foursquare.

About the Contributor

Tuong-An Huynh

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  1. Ellen Burns Aug 4, 2014 at 1:14 PM - Reply

    This article makes me want to go to Montmartre! Can I just pop across in my lunch break? I could go a tart or two right now… 😉

    • Tuong-An Huynh Aug 5, 2014 at 7:20 PM - Reply

      Glad that this article makes you want to travel to France ! Tarts are just perfect during summer, I never can’t get enough 😉

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