I miss French series ‘Bref’
However, the biggest reason Canal+ Player had me coming back was its viral series 'Bref', a 2 to 3 minute long opus about the tragedies of being a normal person.
However, the biggest reason Canal+ Player had me coming back was its viral series 'Bref', a 2 to 3 minute long opus about the tragedies of being a normal person.
About three weeks after having the idea of hosting a radio broadcast here I am listening to myself in my kitchen while I sip a cup of coffee. Next step: Pulitzer.
Some assistants, myself included, expected to understand their students better than most, given that we were in high school not too long ago. We often receive a rude awakening.
I conducted a highly legitimate evaluation called ‘asking around’ to see how Americans react differently to commercials than the French. Apparently, yes. There are a few key differences in how French people bring themselves to invest or purchase in something – whether this be an airline ticket or a formule.
English has become the lingua franca of most Top 40 songs, despite the current trend in European-flavored dance music, like David Guetta, and to the chagrin of many countries immensely proud of their language. Like France.
You would think that, this being my second time around setting up house on French territory in three years, I would have figured these people out by now. This is hardly the case!
Do we manage? Or are we able? Can we can in certain situations? Or rather, do we manage? A pair of French verbs sends this author on a complicated dance routine with the language (preferably, the can-can)