
9 01, 2013

Interview with François Roland, French photographer and author

By |2014-06-26T12:10:53+10:00Jan 9, 2013|2 Comments

So I’m never out without my camera and everything inspires me. A chic and alluring French woman walking down the street, a lovers’ kiss, a bum sitting with his dog on the sidewalk, life in coffee bars, a demonstration (we like them), a 'brocante' day... Paris gives endless opportunities.

4 09, 2012

COMPETITION: Interview with John Baxter part 2 – Expat author – WIN one of 3 copies of ‘The Most Beautiful Walk’

By |2013-08-16T16:30:52+10:00Sep 4, 2012|4 Comments

"No writer 'decides' to write. The decision is made in the genes. Talent manifests itself first in infancy as a voracious desire to read. By the time they are seven or eight, writers already know they have a special skill."

27 08, 2012

Interview: Agnès Samour – My French life through the lens

By |2013-04-26T06:02:33+10:00Aug 27, 2012|4 Comments

"Growing up surrounded by books has definitely influenced my creative endeavours. I started to read from a young age and had already devoured most books from Flaubert, Balzac & Zola before going to college. So I've always had this ‘dreamer’ personality and the will to invent my own reality."

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