Meet the heart of the French community in Melbourne
Myriam Boisbouvier-Wylie, Honorary Consul General of France in Victoria, shares her story...
Myriam Boisbouvier-Wylie, Honorary Consul General of France in Victoria, shares her story...
Iman has enjoyed a rich and rewarding career as a prominent media personality. Although having never been to France and admitting to not having spoken French for 23 years since she arrived in Australia, she is inextricably linked by the gravity and allure of this ‘passionate mother’ nation.
Iman has enjoyed a rich and rewarding career as a prominent media personality. Although having never been to France and admitting to not having spoken French for 23 years since she arrived in Australia, she is inextricably linked by the gravity and allure of this ‘passionate mother’ nation.
The mass demonstrations of 2008 organised by the Confédération Française Démocratique du Travail in favour of the thirty-five hour week were a dismal failure. People simply wanted more money, not more leisure time in which to ponder ideas.
French presence in Afghanistan is looking to continue on its trajectory of decreasing, France remains a staunch member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation and its diplomatic and consular relationship with the US is as strong as ever.
Either way, whether bilingual from childhood or from education, bilingualism or even multilingualism is a rapidly growing social phenomenon. It is often borne not from choice but necessity, as we all try to live in an ever-globalised world.