Occupied territory: France under the jackboot
We take a moment to remember the dark years endured by the country despite the jokes about the French role in the war.
We take a moment to remember the dark years endured by the country despite the jokes about the French role in the war.
Find out why le Mémorial de la Shoah is such an important part of the Parisian museum culture.
Badly hit in battle - find out more about the French castle Bonaguil as we revisit stories of war in France.
Eugène Paul Louis Schueller, the founder of a huge cosmetics company, was a thoroughly nasty piece of work. So were most of his friends.
Alsace is a ravishingly beautiful region, with secrets to uncover...
The beast was impressed.‘It was the dream of my life to be permitted to see Paris,’ he said, after a tour of the city’s highlights. But who was the beast?
Join us as we explore his best-selling literary masterpiece 'Le petit prince'.
Enjoy Steph Williamson's alternate ending to the ‘…and he lives in the 13th!’ Paris story.
Heading to Paris? Don't forget to read these 5 books before you go to truly understand the city.
Who was Jean Moulin? And was he really one of the great heroes of the French Resistance?