Goodbye mother and father: does the parent 1, parent 2 reform go far enough?
Does the controversial 'parent 1, parent 2' reform go far enough?
Does the controversial 'parent 1, parent 2' reform go far enough?
Join us as we discuss French feminism over the years, from first-wave suffrage to the gender pay gap.
A tale of marriage & hypocrisy – Balzac's 'Le Père Goriot' as we continue our 2018 French Book Club Challenge.
Join us as we discuss how homosexuality and controversy tormented the life and death of Oscar Wilde.
The fight for sexual freedom! Discover more about the events of May '68.
Continuing our 2018 book club challenge with another great French literary classic – Gustave Flaubert's Salammbô - read in French or English
Join us as we interview creative CEO Marie Sanou to discuss her career inspirations and passions.
We continue our book club challenge with a French literary classic – Gustave Flaubert's Madame Bovary.
What started as a temporary shut down after the Paris attacks risks spiralling out of control.
The lead up to the COP21 in Paris has united the French through hope in breaking ground on climate action. But what else is at stake for France?