expat experience

2 02, 2012

L’oiseau bleu, ou pourquoi mon coeur reste à Paris

By |2014-11-13T15:55:35+11:00Feb 2, 2012|2 Comments

« Bonjour tout le monde! » nous a lancé joyeusement ma professeure. Et c’est comme ça que mon premier cours de français a commencé. J’ai ouvert le manuel tricolore qui devait être mon guide pendant de nombreuses années à venir : L’oiseau bleu.

13 01, 2012

One year ago… student life in Paris

By |2014-11-14T12:27:55+11:00Jan 13, 2012|1 Comment

I’ve been in Melbourne for five months now and summer has finally hit the town. It is mid December, I've just bought a new bikini and now, I'm gently applying skin cream to my sunburns. Yes, this must sound so weird to all my dear French fellows and to Europeans in general who are preparing for Christmas.

27 12, 2011

Hugs and Kisses

By |2014-11-14T15:11:29+11:00Dec 27, 2011|Comments Off on Hugs and Kisses

Because kisses are such an integral part of interaction in France, one might think that this implies that the French are more comfortable with intimate displays of affection, right? Not necessarily. Try hugging a French person.

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