Top 5 things you might not know about the French language
Even if you’re a bonafide Francophone and Francophile, we’ve think we’ve found five facts about the French language that will still manage to surprise you…
Even if you’re a bonafide Francophone and Francophile, we’ve think we’ve found five facts about the French language that will still manage to surprise you…
Have the French gone too far this time?
French beauty products are even viable for those of us who prefer to buy cosmetics with a conscience.
Expats hold a unique place in French society – almost a place of limbo. Though they are not immigrants who are applying for French citizenship, and they are not entirely removed from certain citizen’s obligations.
Should Valérie Trierweiler have told us everything there was to know?
Recent government back-pedalling on equality classes in schools has some of us questioning just what égalité in France means.
Le Français, une curiosité très en vogue au New York Times. Deux éditorialistes du quotidien américain ont fait l'analyse d’une drôle d’espèce : le Français. Ils ont en tirés deux articles aux conclusions opposées.
I always want to hunt for the perfect spot to relax on holiday to get away from the hassle of the busy streets and the local beach in Calais is no exemption. There’s plenty to do. Take a long walk, indulge in some sport activities or even swim safely in the low tides.
When in France, I am surrounded by things that remind me that I am back in my native country. Here are a few.
If you laid out the cables used in the lifts of the Eiffel Tower ...