french news

18 11, 2015

Nous sommes la France: the taboo question of French national identity

By |2015-11-25T20:59:05+11:00Nov 18, 2015|4 Comments

'Nous sommes la France' is a phrase that has been used to express French solidarity following the Charlie Hebdo attacks in early 2015. But who exactly is this 'nous' and what is 'France'? asks French journalist Natacha in her new book, 'Nous sommes la France'.

1 08, 2012

Series: 10 steps in 100 days – The French President’s agenda

By |2014-10-16T17:14:54+11:00Aug 1, 2012|0 Comments

Do you wonder how a week in the life of normal President looks? Let’s browse Hollande’s summer agenda to get a hint of the diversity of his recent activities, until his short holiday at the official résidence d’été présidentielle.

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