My French Melbourne: the best macarons in Melbourne
We tell you where you'll find the most delicious and versatile macarons right here in Melbourne!
We tell you where you'll find the most delicious and versatile macarons right here in Melbourne!
Master chocolatier Arno Backes lets you experience authentic, velvety chocolate close to your doorstep with Gânache. So rekindle your love of the ultimate indulgence food - we dare you.
Discover the best kept secret in French food in Melbourne's East... crêpes, coffee and galettes galore!
Choukette is soon becoming a favourite amongst the francophile community in Melbourne. It will without a doubt, satisfy your French food cravings!
Food shopping in Paris is an absolute dream. With boulangeries, epiceries, boucheries and patisseries lining the streets, what would elsewhere just be a dull trip around the supermarket becomes vibrant, cultural and fun.
A lucky few know exactly where to go to indulge in the best macarons...
With such a huge rise in popularity, both in France and in the States, some may wonder if the macaron is in danger of becoming a cliché, a product so intensely and frequently marketed as 'French' that it becomes boring and predictable, and more importantly, no longer desirable.
When one thinks of classic French culinary emblems, many things come to mind - the crispy baguette, the buttery croissant, the indulgent pain au chocolat. But in recent years, a certain French pastry has risen in popularity on both sides of the Atlantic– the chewy and delightful macaron.
La gastronomie française évoque un certain raffinement. Le magret de canard, le bœuf bourguignon, les macarons ou les cannelés, des délices qui donnent l’eau à la bouche. Pour une fois, laissez vos envies gustatives vous guider…
France is renowned worldwide for its gastronomy. You just can’t go past their magret de canard, bœuf bourguignon, macarons or cannelés without licking your lips. Let your taste buds guide you through the French capital.