French Book Club: Ten Summer 2024 Reading Suggestions – Will you be reading with us?
Summer 2024 Reading - MyFrenchLife French Book Club - reading recently translated award winning French books
Summer 2024 Reading - MyFrenchLife French Book Club - reading recently translated award winning French books
Apollinaire (1880 –1918) was a well-known French poet, writer and art critic. He was one of the first artists to represent a new movement of visual art and literature - surrealism. The goal of this movement was to rise above the normal vision of the world and to reach its essence.
Emue books was formed in Melbourne in 2010 by Sophie Marozeau, a Frenchwoman turned Australian. They regularly organize short story competitions to share the spotlight– or rather, the pen – with emerging, modern-day explorers.
Les Français de l'Hexagone n’ont pas le monopole de la littérature francophone. Emue Books l'a bien compris et part à la recherche de ces plumes excursionnistes. Cette maison d’édition créée à Melbourne en 2010 publie de jeunes auteurs francophones ayant tous un point commun : le goût du voyage.
Au XIXème siècle se produisent de grands changements dans la conception de la poésie, qui conduisent ensuite au passage à la poésie moderne. Retour sur le rôle du grand poète Charles Baudelaire dans cette révolution française.
Charles Baudelaire, the great literary figure of the nineteenth century, is an author known by all. Along with Victor Hugo and Arthur Rimbaud, he is considered to be one of the greatest French writers in history. But what exactly were his literary feats?
En France, la rentrée littéraire bat son plein. Zoom sur Barbe bleue, le dernier roman d'Amélie Nothomb, personnalité incontournable de la littérature française, traduite en trente langues.
Will she be able to save herself? In this novel, Nothomb explores the nature of feelings between the two characters until the grand finale. If love is omnipresent, the end is paradoxically tragic and far from happy, as it often is in Nothomb's novels.
The respect I already had for this woman cemented the instant that I met her. She walked into the coffee shop and kissed me on the cheek as though we had been friends for years.
Il y a un an, Christine Lewicki se lance dans un challenge ou défi personnel car elle se rend compte qu' elle en a marre de râler et de se « polluer » la vie au lieu de célébrer la vie ! Elle décide alors de poster chaque jour une vidéo sur son blog « J’arrête de râler » pour raconter son challenge de 21 jours sans râler. Hier le blog.... Aujourd'hui le livre.