Paris Combo: the perfect combination of French and Australian
With five albums under their belt, Paris Combo are the world-class maestros showering us with their infinite wisdom on how music is performed.
With five albums under their belt, Paris Combo are the world-class maestros showering us with their infinite wisdom on how music is performed.
The French are famous for their long lunch hours and even longer August holidays. Does this means that they're not working hard, or have they found the key to being better workers than the rest of us?
Australia is a great country for sport. Brought up with sport since the youngest of ages, young Australians are different from their French counterparts in their sensitivity to sporting culture and the way in which they tackle the topic.
Behind the rousing band, the twirling frocks and dramatic ballads ‘Baby et Lulu’ are simply two Francophiles living out their French fantasies to adoring crowds. “This band is really the culmination of my greatest loves! Music, harmony and French.”
The solitude encountered in the outback can drive you nuts. Or make you a better person. This small guide on what to expect should help keep the French traveller sane.
They really are the perfect guides - knowledgeable about the places we went to, attentive to our interests, relaxed and professional at the same time.
From the French capital to the Australian city of [...]
Il n'est pas difficile d'adopter le style australien, démarche détendue et comportement désintéressé vous suffiront. Ici, on peut être qui on veut, oser, assumer sans problème un style excentrique.
When I commenced my life as an expat in New Caledonia, I spent my first weeks finding the gaps which were missing from home. But when holidaying in Australia 6 months later, I discover I’m missing parts of my new life in New Caledonia!
Ah Melbourne ! Sa culture, son art, son architecture à la fois victorienne et contemporaine. Un cocktail explosif qui attire beaucoup de Français. Mais méfiez-vous des apparences !