Internal processes guide – Part 6: Online checklists and guidelines

Part 6: Online checklists and guidelines


Most of our checklists and guidelines are published as hidden documents on the website, under the category ‘My French Life™ Team Member Info’.

For regular contributors:

–      How to pitch
–      How to find creative commons images
–      New writer set-up checklist
–      My French Life™ article checklist and style guide
–      Going beyond the cliché: a guide for writers
–      Tips for writers
–      Working together to attract more readers
–      How to add Google Authorship to your My French Life™ writer profile
–      How to submit
Meet our audience

For editing team:

–      Ultimate guide to team member tools
–      The ultimate guide to online content

o   The ultimate guide to online content – Chapter one: Part one: Why should I care?

o   The ultimate guide to online content – Chapter one: Part two: how does it work? The basics

o   The ultimate guide to online content – Chapter one: Part three: Internal & External links

o   The ultimate guide to online content – Chapter two: Part one: Preparing for articles & researching keywords

–      How to use the SEO plugin in WordPress?

o   Introduction to the SEO plugin

o   Description of the different parts of the plugin

o   How to get the green bullet?

–      Your guide to editing for My French Life™
–      The My French Life™ guide to writing feedback emails
–      Your guide to formatting articles
–      My French Life editing checklist
–      Ultimate online guide to using Trello
–      How to find Creative Commons images

For internal team:

–      Induction pack – Part 1: Welcome
–      Induction pack – Part 2: Set-up
–      Induction pack – Part 3: Team members tools
–      Induction pack – Part 4: Communication at MyFrenchLife
–      Induction pack – Part 5: How-to General
–      Team member Daily Report sample
–      Internal processes guide – Part 1: Introduction
–      Internal processes guide – Part 1bis: Daily planning
–      Internal processes guide  Part 2: Managing the inbox
–      Internal processes guide – Part 3: Publishing & Social Media
–      Internal processes guide – Part 4: How to allocate – Trello
–      Internal processes guide – Part 5: WordPress ins and outs
–      Internal processes guide – Part 6: Links to all checklists

About the Contributor

Judy MacMahon

Experience FRANCE beyond the CLICHÉ with MyFrenchLife is for Curious Savvy Francophiles wherever you are. Meet Francophiles in France, online, and/or wherever you live. You’re very welcome to join us - Judy MacMahon -

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